Sexual and Gender-based Misconduct

What is Sexual and Gender-based Misconduct?

"No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972).

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits sex discrimination—which includes sexual violence—in educational programs and activities. All public and private schools, school districts, colleges and universities receiving federal funds must comply with Title IX.

SEXUAL AND GENDER BASED MISCONDUCT includes a broad range of unwelcome behaviors focused on Sex and/or Gender that may or may not be sexual in nature. Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct encompasses Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Stalking, Domestic Violence, and Dating Violence, intimidation, or for Retaliation following an incident where alleged Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct or has occurred.

Under Title IX, sexual harassment encompasses quid pro quo harassment, sexual misconduct (sexual assault, rape, sexual exploitation), stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence against students or where student programs or activities are disparately impacted based on sex/gender.

In compliance with state and federal law, El Camino College prohibits sex and gender-based discrimination pursuant to Board Policies 3410 (Non-Discrimination), 3430 (Prohibition of Harassment), 3433 (Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX), and 3540 (Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct) and Administrative Procedures 3410 (Non-Discrimination), 3430 (Prohibition of Harassment), 3433 (Prohibition of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX), and 3540 (Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct).


Emergencies or life-threatening situations should be reported to the police - please dial 911 or contact El Camino College Campus Police at (310) 660-3100.

Students and employees who wish to file a complaint of alleged sexual or gender-based misconduct must submit a complaint in writing. It is recommended to schedule a consultation meeting with the Director of the Office of Title IX, Diversity, and Inclusion to review our policies, procedures, and support resources.

When filing a complaint with the Office of Title IX, Diversity, and Inclusion you will be provided with information on support resources and will be given the option to file a complaint through either our informal or formal processes. However, depending on the severity of the allegations, the District may have an obligation to proceed with an investigation, regardless of a Complainant’s wishes to the contrary, in order to ensure the safety of the District Community.

We take all concerns and complaints seriously, however there may be some concerns that fall outside the purview of our office. In these cases, our office will work with you to determine the appropriate office and/or resources to address your concerns. The Director of the Office of Title IX, Diversity, and Inclusion maintains the right to determine if the complaint falls under the jurisdiction of this office. Sexual or Gender-Based Misconduct investigations are subject to the jurisdictional limitations. Furthermore, when the Respondent is not a District employee or student, the District will offer reasonable supportive remedies, such as class scheduling alternatives, escort services, and medical and counseling care to Complainant.

Informal complaints  are intended to resolve concerns at the earliest stage possible. The use of the informal reporting process serves the dual purpose of educating the District community about Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct while working directly and confidentially with the parties involved.  Resolution of informal reports typically range between 2-4 weeks and may include discussions with the parties, making recommendations for resolution, and conducting a follow-up review after a period of time to assure that the resolution has been implemented effectively.  Informal resolution is not permitted in cases where a student is filing a sexual harassment complaint against a District employee.

Formal complaints are generally be used when the informal report for early resolution is inappropriate (e.g. student complaints against employees, serious or repeated misconduct or alleged criminal acts such as rape, stalking, or any form of violence ) or in cases where the informal process is unsuccessful.  Formal complaints typically range between 60-90 business days and encompass an investigation, evidence review period, a live Hearing, and the issuance of a report outlining the findings.

Confidentiality in a complaint filed with the Title IX Coordinator cannot be guaranteed, however the information in a report will only be disclosed on a need-to-know basis. Complainants may request to seek Supportive Measures from the Title IX Coordinator without their name or information being disclosed to Respondent. Where Supportive Measures require coordination with other campus offices, limited information will be provided and the details of the alleged conduct will not be disclosed. Where a Complainant wishes to file a complaint, either for the purposes of an Informal Resolution or a Formal Complaint and investigation, Complainant’s name and details of the allegations will be disclosed to Respondent and the relevant advisors, administrators, and other individuals involved in the complaint process. While Complainants may file anonymous complaints, lack of sufficient information regarding the allegations may significantly hinder the District’s ability to conduct an investigation and provide appropriate remedies.

When the District becomes aware of Sexual or Gender-Based Misconduct that poses a serious or ongoing threat to the District Community, the Title IX Coordinator has the authority to determine if an investigation into the allegations is warranted, regardless of a Complainant’s wishes to the contrary, in order to ensure the safety of the District Community. In these cases, Complainants are not required to participate in the District’s investigation. However, this may significantly limit the District’s ability to effectively and efficiently respond to the incident.


Title IX Coordinator for the District
Jaynie Ishikawa
Director of Title IX, Diversity, and Inclusion

Additional Resources


Subject to Change Disclaimer: The information (including Office procedures and links) on this page is subject to change and updates without prior notice to keep the District in compliance with Board Policies and/or State and Federal laws.