Education And Prevention




In compliance with state and federal law, all El Camino College students are required to complete sexual violence and sexual harassment training once a year.

All incoming students are required to complete the New Student Orientation (NSO) to be eligible to register for classes. The NSO gives students information on sexual harassment resources. For more information, visit the New Student Orientation webpage.  

Beginning September 1, 2024 El Camino College students will be assigned and required to annually complete the Sexual Violence Awareness Training (AB 2683) in the Keenan SafeColleges Training platform. Questions regarding this training can go to:


Keenan Student Training Log-In Information:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A: This is a new state mandated training which means we are required by California law to take it. 
This new training was developed to help keep our campus community safe by educating students on sexual violence awareness, encouraging students to report misconduct, and providing resources to support survivors. 

A: No, all students are required to take the training, thus all students have received these emails. 

A: Yes, all students are required to take the training. 

A: No, this training is only required once every Academic Year.

A: Send an email to with your full name and student ID for support.

A: No, you can take it in pieces at your leisure. The Keenan site will track and save your progress, you just need to complete the segmented chapters.

A: This is a state mandated training under California law and you are highly encouraged to complete the training. Non-compliance could result in financial implications for the District.

A: Possibly not! However, you’ll need to email your training details and certificate of completion to our office for review. Send an email to with your full name and student ID.

A: No, the training is only required once per Academic Year. You can reach out to our office to update your account. Send an email to with your full name and student ID. 

A: Email your questions to our Admin Assistant, Nicole Streicker, at


In compliance with state and federal law, all El Camino College employees (e.g., full-time, part-time, volunteers) are required to complete Sexual Harassment and Title IX trainings. All employee trainings are conducted through our online training platform, Keenan. To access these trainings, employees can log into their Keenan account and will find them under the “My Assignments” tab. New employees are required to complete the online courses within 60 days of their start date. Employees should work with their supervisor to schedule time to complete the online training.

  • Sexual Harassment Prevention for Non-Managers (SB 1343) is required every two years (60 minutes)
  • Sexual Harassment: Policy and Prevention (AB 1825) is required by Administrators/Supervisors every two years (120 minutes)
  • Sexual Violence Awareness for Employees (AB 2683) is required annually (AB 2683) (39 minutes)
  • Title IX: Roles of Employees is required annually (27 minutes)

Keenan Employee Training Log-In Information: 

Questions regarding these trainings can go to:


Be a leader in keeping our campus community safe. Take steps to get educated and avoid committing or being accused of Sexual and Gender-based Misconduct; ignorance is not a protection. Work towards building and understanding what actions contribute to healthy relationships and what actions create unhealthy relationships. Learn how you can be proactive for your safety and the safety of others.

Thank you for taking the time to make our campus community a safer place to work and learn.


Additional Videos

The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office has developed these modules in collaboration with Title IX and Student Life departments to address various aspects of sexual violence and harassment training. These additional training videos are optional and you can choose to watch to educate yourself.

These modules provide the primary content in a condensed format focusing on how to recognize and prevent sexual violence and harassment. They also include statistics on the prevalence and differing rates at which students experience sexual violence and harassment.

These are supplemental resource videos designed to address various aspects of sexual violence and harassment training.


Subject to Change Disclaimer:

The information (including Office procedures and links) on this page is subject to change and updates without prior notice to keep the District in compliance with Board Policies and/or State and Federal laws.