Interests play a crucial role in shaping your career path and satisfaction in your chosen profession.
Remember that your interests are unique to you, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach to career selection.
Alignment with Passions: Your interests often align with your passions and the activities you genuinely enjoy. When you choose a career that aligns with your interests, you're more likely to find your work engaging and fulfilling.
Motivation and Engagement: When you're passionate about your work, you're naturally more motivated and engaged. This motivation can drive you to excel in your field, seek continuous improvement, and take on challenges willingly.
Job Satisfaction: Choosing a career that aligns with your interests tends to result in higher job satisfaction. You'll likely find your work enjoyable, which can lead to a more positive attitude and overall well-being.
Easier Skill Development: People often find it easier to develop and excel in skills related to their interests. If you're genuinely interested in a subject or activity, you're more likely to invest time and effort in improving your skills.
Long-Term Commitment: Careers that align with your interests are more likely to be pursued as long-term commitments. You're less likely to grow tired of your work and more likely to stay dedicated to your chosen profession.
Intrinsic motivation: or the internal desire to do something for its own sake rather than for external rewards, is often higher when you're working in a field that interests you. This can lead to a greater sense of fulfillment.
Creativity and Innovation: Interests can fuel your creativity and innovation. When you're passionate about a subject, you're more likely to come up with creative solutions to problems and contribute fresh ideas to your field.
Networking and Collaboration:Sharing common interests with colleagues and peers can foster strong connections and collaboration. Networking becomes more natural when you have shared interests, potentially opening up new opportunities in your career.
Adaptability: Interests can also guide your career choices as your interests may evolve over time. Being attuned to your evolving interests can help you make informed career transitions or adjustments.
Work-Life Balance: Pursuing a career aligned with your interests can contribute to a healthier work-life balance. When you enjoy your work, it may feel less like a chore, allowing you to better balance your professional and personal life.
One popular framework that explores the connection between Interests and Career is John Holland's RIASEC theory. It proposes six Interest types (REALISTIC, INVESTIGATIVE, ARTISTIC, SOCIAL, ENTERPRISING, CONVENTIONAL) that align with different career environments:
RIASEC ChartEXERCISE: From these descriptors of the different themes, what do you think are your top 2 - 3 areas of relatable interests? Consider how you engage or express these various interests in your day to day life in work, school, volunteering, and hobbies.
Use the following tool from ONET, an occupation database with extensive information on thousands of occupations, to INPUT YOUR INTEREST THEMES find occupations that fit with your interest theme and conduct exploration of these occupations accordingly
O*NET online explorer toolValues are a fundamental aspect of career decision-making and development. Their significance lies in several key areas:
Alignment and Fulfillment: When one's career aligns with their values, it leads to a deeper sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. It creates a meaningful connection between personal beliefs and professional choices.
Motivation: Values serve as a motivational force, driving individuals to pursue careers and work environments that resonate with their deeply held principles. This intrinsic motivation often leads to higher job satisfaction and dedication.
Decision-Making: Values guide career decisions by helping individuals assess whether a particular job or organization aligns with their ethical and moral standards. This can simplify the decision-making process and enhance the quality of choices.
Professional Identity: Values contribute to the development of a strong professional identity. When individuals work in fields that reflect their values, they are more likely to identify with their roles and take pride in their work.
Long-Term Commitment: A career rooted in one's values is more likely to lead to long-term commitment and resilience in the face of challenges. It helps individuals stay dedicated to their chosen path.
Ethical Behavior: Values are closely tied to ethical behavior. A strong alignment of personal values with one's career fosters integrity and ethical decision-making.
In summary, values play a pivotal role in career choices, job satisfaction, and long-term commitment. When individuals work in environments and roles that reflect their values, they are more likely to experience a fulfilling and meaningful professional life. Additionally, values guide ethical behavior and decision-making, enhancing the quality of one's career journey.
Use the following worksheet from UC Berkeley’s Career Center to reflect on your work
and personal values
ADDITIONAL Values Assessment from Career OneStop,
Personality, in the context of a career, refers to the unique and enduring set of traits, behaviors, attitudes, and characteristics that make up an individual's distinctive psychological profile. These attributes can influence how a person interacts with others, approaches tasks, and navigates their professional life. In relation to a career, an individual's personality impacts various aspects, including career choices, job performance, job satisfaction, and overall success.
Here are some ways in which personality influences career:
Overall, understanding one's personality and how it relates to career choices can be empowering. It allows individuals to make more informed decisions, find work environments where they can excel, and create a sense of fulfillment and purpose in their professional lives.
These are examples of (but not limited to) dimensions of personality
Consider the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as an assessment that helps define these types
IMPORTANT: We don't necessarily remain fixed in a personality type, but it can be seen as a certain preference in how we behave - it is important to consider the context of the enviroment that influences our behavior
Strengths refer to the inherent capabilities, talents, and attributes that individuals possess and excel in. These are qualities that enable individuals to perform specific tasks, overcome challenges, and contribute positively in their professional endeavors.
Understanding one's strengths is crucial for career development and success as it allows individuals to leverage their innate abilities to excel in their chosen field. Strengths can encompass a variety of areas, including technical skills, interpersonal skills, leadership abilities, creativity, problem-solving prowess, and more.
Strengths allows individuals to align their capabilities with job requirements, pursue roles that leverage their strengths, and continuously improve through skill development. A successful career often involves capitalizing on individual strengths to excel in one's chosen field. Regular self-assessment and a commitment to enhancing strengths contribute to ongoing professional growth and adaptability in the dynamic landscape of the workforce. Review the following resources to learn more about Strengths:
As you explore this page, use this worksheet to list your interests, values, skills, and personal qualities: UC Berkeley Planning Your Future Worksheet.
As you go through your career journey, these aspects of you will likely change. However, these are important factors to define and reflect to help determine what pathway you want to take, including what major to choose
Career counselors often use personality assessments and counseling to guide individuals towards careers that align with their unique strengths, values, and aspirations. These are not tests; there are no right or wrong answers.
Below are some resources that feature assessments on defining your possible interests, skills, and values. There are more that we may provide for you in a career counseling appointment if needed.
We highly recommend meeting with a career counselor to discuss the results of any assessment you take.
In addition to our online resources, we also have more comprehensive assessments such as the MBTI, Strong Interest Inventory, Cards Value Sort that we can further discuss in a career counseling session.
IMPORTANT: No assessment will ever tell you what you should and should not pursue. Instead it serves as a tool to help define aspects of yourself to reflect and direct your exploration in a way that is aligned with how your interests, skills, values, and personality may relate to your career goals.
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Check out assessments such Inner Heroes, How Do I Learn?, What Are My Values?, MicroSkills, True Colors, and Occ-U-Sort to match your skills, personality and talents to possible careers that may be of interest to you to explore further. Site code for ECC Students: PQINZGF |
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Log in using the following username and password. You can create your own account to save any materials on Career Cruising Login username: elcaminocollege A comprehensive and interactive career guide resource that provides information such as job description, working conditions, earnings, education, sample career path, and more. Assessments featured match your likes and dislikes, skills, and learning styles to find careers that match up with your interests. |
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Career Coach has information on occupations within various career areas, a resume builder and a simple assessment to find matching occupations that may be of interest to you. Explore occupational information on daily tasks, education, wages, employment projections, actual job postings, and more. |
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A career resource program provides comprehensive information for 900+ occupations. Includes self-assessment modules to help define possible interests, work importance and skills. Suggestion to check out financial literacy tools “Budget your Life” to determine the kind of lifestyle you want, what area, the budget you’ll need and the kinds of occupations with salaries that can lead to sustainable living wages. |