The course completion rate is the percentage of students who remain enrolled through the end of a course out of all students enrolled on the census date. It is the percentage of students who did not drop late or withdraw.
The course success rate is the percentage of students who receive an A, B, C, or Pass as a final course grade out of all students enrolled as of the census date.
Year | Summer | Fall | Winter | Spring |
2023-24 | Division Instructor |
2022-23 | Division Instructor |
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2021-22 | Division Instructor |
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2020-21 | Division Instructor |
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2019-20 | Division Instructor |
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2018-19 | Division Instructor |
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ECC at a glance for the most recent data available on student demographics, short- and long-term trends.
Facts and Figures |
Tracks the time to completion for first time degree and certificate recipients.
Reports on student outcomes in relation to the implementation of AB705. This legislation establishes a stronger assessment process that intends to improve student completion rates in math and English courses.
This report reviewed the extent to which the Enrollment Management Plan accomplished its objectives under the four Guided Pathways pillars: Access, Engagement, Retention, and Completion. The report highlights achievements, challenges, lessons learned, and key recommendations.
Reports on the outcomes of students who are part of the South Bay Promise initiative. The South Bay Promise creates an affordable pathway directly from high school to college for students in the El Camino College District.
At El Camino College, Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) represent a broadly-defined knowledge base and/or set of skills that students are expected to demonstrate as a result of their educational experience at the college.
The college assesses its ILOs on a 4-year cycle, with one ILO topic scheduled for assessment in any given academic year.
The Student-Centered Funding Formula was adopted in the 2018–19 state budget as a new way to allocate funding to community college districts. It provides funding based on three metrics: base allocation, supplemental allocation, and success allocation.
El Camino College (ECC) By the Numbers is an informative selection of key statistics that highlight the value and impact of ECC. This is part of the larger ECC Annual Report to the Community developed by Marketing and Communications. It provides valuable information including annual enrollment, students' return on investment (in dollars), number of degrees awarded, and other insightful metrics.