SAO Statements, Timelines, and Reports

Service Area Outcomes (SAO) Statements, Reports, and Timelines

A Service Area Outcome (SAO) is a statement about what a student, prospective student, or other client will experience, receive, or understand as a result of a given service. SAOs identify what the student services and administrative units intend to accomplish or achieve in support of student learning. 

Please refer to the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Handbook for additional information related to service area outcomes.

SAO Statements and Reports

Use the links below to view Service Area Outcomes (SAO) statements, reports, and/or other materials for the programs listed below*.

Community Education

Counseling  (includes links to CalWORKS, Career Center, DSPS, EOPS/Care, Transfer Center)

Financial Aid 

Foster and Kinship Education 

First Year Experience 

Institutional Research & Planning


Outreach and School Relations 

Student Development 


*SAO statements for other student services and programs can be accessed in Nuventive, the college’s data management system for learning outcomes assessment, program review, and planning.


Recommended SAO Timelines 


SAO Annual Cycle

Completion Date


August 31

  • Develop SAOs (3) for upcoming year
  • Create assessment tools

September 30

  • Post SAO to area website
  • Enter SAO in Nuventive (formerly TracDat)

September - May

  • Perform the SAO
  • Assess SAO

June 30

  • Compile the results of your assessments
  • Summarize patterns observed in the data
  • Consider: what were the most important findings?

July 31

  • Post results/targets met and analysis in TracDat


SAO Semester Cycle

Fall Semester 
Completion Date

Spring Semester Completion Date


August 31

February 28

  • Develop SAOs (3) for current semester
  • Create assessment tools
  • Post SAO to area website
  • Enter SAO in Nuventive (formerly TracDat)

September - November

March - May

  • Perform the SAO
  • Assess SAO

December 31

June 30

  • Compile the results of your assessments
  • Summarize patterns observed in the data
  • Consider: what were the most important            findings?

January 31

July 31

  • Post results/targets met and analysis in            Nuventive (formerly TracDat)