Educational Policies Committee

Educational Policies Committee

The Educational Policies Committee is a subcommittee of the Academic Senate.  It is chaired by the Senate Vice President of Educational Policies who works with the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the academic deans to develop drafts and revisions of board policies and administrative procedures in the areas of Senate purview in academic and professional matters.  The committee consults with other groups and individuals as necessary, including the ECC Federation of Teachers and the Director of Admissions and Records. 

Board Policy (BP): a broad statement describing how a college and district is organized and functions. 

Administrative Procedure (AP): a more detailed statement explaining how BPs are implemented. Often, APs explain the process to complete the work described in the BP. 

BPs and APs are divided into seven series that are numbered in the thousands:

            1000s  The District

            2000s   Board of Trustees

            3000s  General Institution

            4000s  Academic Affairs

            5000s  Student Services

            6000s  Business and Fiscal

            7000s  Human Resources

The Academic Senate helps develop and revise BPs and APs that fall under the 10+1 academic and professional matters in the senate purview.  Most of those are in the 4000s and 5000s, although there are also a few in the 2000s and 7000s.  The campus revises its BP/APs on a regular schedule and when legal or regulatory changes require it.

The process for the creation and revision of a BP/AP begins with a draft that issues from the Educational Policies Committee (a subcommittee of the Academic Senate), the Council of Deans, or a task force with representatives from both. The ECC Federation of Teachers is represented on the Educational Policies Committee. The draft of a BP/AP takes into consideration the following elements:

Federal Law

State Law and Regulation (usually Education Code and Title 5)

Accreditation Requirements of the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges

The ECC Federation of Teachers Contract

Local Processes, Practice, and Culture

Best Practices and Models from Other CCC Campuses

Student Success

Templates Created by the Community College League of California

Once the Educational Policies Committee, Deans Council, and the relevant ECC Vice President agree upon a draft, it comes to the Academic Senate for discussion and at least two readings and a vote. Depending on the detail and intricacy of the issues, this consultative stage of the process may take from a couple months to a couple years. Once the senate approves a BP/AP draft, it moves on to College Council and the President and her Cabinet. If either of these bodies recommends a major change, it must go back through the process again. After the consultative process is complete, the draft goes to the Board of Trustees.  BPs will have two readings and a vote; APs go to the board for information only.  If the board wants a major change, the consultative process begins again from the start. When the board votes to approve the draft the new BP/AP is posted to the ECC board policies web page.


2022-2023 Meetings

September 13, 2022 Minutes Packet
September 27, 2022 Minutes Packet
October 11, 2022 Minutes Packet
February 28, 2023 Minutes Packet

2018-2019 Meetings

September 11 Minutes Packet
  Minutes Packet
  Minutes Packet

2017-2018 Meetings

August 12 Minutes Packet
October 10 Minutes  
October 24 Minutes Packet
November 14  Minutes Packet
November 28    Packet
November 30   Packet
March 27 Minutes  


EPC Accomplishments 2016/2017


2016-2017 Meetings

September 13 Minutes  
September 29 Minutes Packet
October 11 Minutes  
October 25 Minutes Packet
November 22  Minutes Packet
November 29  Minutes  
February 28  Minutes Packet
March 14  Minutes Packet
March 28   Packet
April 25   Packet


2015-2016 Meetings

September 8 Minutes
September 22 Minutes
October 13  Minutes
October 27  Minutes
November 10 Minutes
November 24 Minutes
January 25  Minutes
February 9 Minutes