We proudly use responsible and quality education agents to assist international students in applying to our language school.
El Camino Language Academy has a process to onboard agents. We welcome you to contact us to talk more about our procedures.
For more detailed information and an agent packet, contact:
Summer Kennedy
We would like to thank all of the referring agents with whom we have worked in the past. Your continued support and association with the Language Academy is appreciated!
LACT - Los Angeles, CA Office:
Email: info@lactusa.com
International Education & Culture Exchange Center
Contact: Ms. Tianli Fan-Richardson
Phone: 310-561-5351
Email: tianlifan@yahoo.com
Ryugaku Journal, Inc.
Website address (Japanese): www.ryugaku.co.jp
Website address (English): www.ryugakujournal.com/en
Email: info@ryugakusite.com
diBec Inc.
Tel/Fax: 022-215-9959
Email: info@dibec.co.jp
JA Study Abroad Center
Tokyo, Japan
Website address: www.jasac.com
Learning Academy (Mr. Mesnaoui & staff)
Hasan Rabat
Phone: (212) 53 72 01 531
Casablanca Office: Casablanca International
Consulting Center
Phone: (212) 22 22 37 19
Email: lamkhantarm@gmail.com
Overseas Educational Corp. (Seoul, South Korea)
Email: studyoec@gmail.com
Chongro Overseas Educational Institution (Seoul, South Korea)
Contact: Joanne Hwang, Assistant Manager
Email: kb41@chongroyuhak.com
ACPI (Truong Anh Ngu Hoa Ky) - partner with ECLA
Website address: www.acpi.edu.vn
VETEC - Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (08) 3844 9150
Email: info@vetecusa.com
Vietnam National University / Ho Chi Minh City
Email: flc@vnuhcm.edu.vn