Institutional Goals

In alignment with the Chancellor’s Office Vision for Success and the El Camino College 2020-23 Strategic Plan, the institution set the following 2020-23 goals: Increase Completion, Increase Transfer, Decrease Units Earned, Increase Students’ Workforce, and Decrease Students’ Equity Gap.

El Camino College determined leading and lagging indicators to track progress of its institutional goals.

For more details related to indicator definitions, trend data, disaggregation by disproportionately impacted groups, and microregion data, visit 2020-23 Institutional Goals Details.

Leading Indicators

El Camino College uses the following leading indicators as measures that provide direct and actionable information for the college to respond to students’ progress and needs.

Key Performance Indicator Baseline Most Recent  Microregion   (LA County) 2022-23 Goal  
1. Persisted from Fall to Spring 70% 70% 68% 72%  
2. Average Number of Degree-Applicable Units 12.68 15.5 NA 13.04  
3. Transfer-Level English and Math Completion 9% 16% 13% 15%  
4. 30+ Units 7% 6% 6% 8%  
5. Course Withdrawal 39% 40% NA 36%  
6. Successful Occupational Course Completion 79% 77% NA 83%  


Lagging Indicators

The following lagging indicators are measures used to track the long-term impact El Camino College intends to make on its students.

Key Performance Indicators Baseline Most Recent Microregion    (LA County) 2022-23 Goal  
1. Degree Completion 1,835 2,206 NA 2,202  
2. Certificate Completion 403 395 NA 484  
3. Transfers to CSU or UC 1,660 1,209 NA 2,241  
4. Unit Accumulation 85 83 86 76  
5. Annual Earnings $27,004 $29,312 $32,360 $35,105  
6. Living Wage Attainment 34% 34% 40% 50%  
7. Job in Field of Study 67% 67% 72% 74%  


*ECC is part of the LA Microregion, identified for the CCCCO’s Doing What MATTERS for Jobs/the Economy