Student Emergency Fund

The Student Emergency Fund helps students remain in college and maintain academic success by providing assistance to directly address individual student needs.

Make a Difference Where it Really Counts

Student Emergency Fund logo
The Student Emergency Fund provides hope to El Camino students through community giving.Donate

During this time of uncertainty and academic upheaval, many have asked how to best help our students. The El Camino Student Emergency Fund was created in March 2020 to help El Camino students during the COVID-19 crisis. The fund supports:

  • Warrior Pantry: Food for our drive-thru Warrior Cupboard pantry to safely serve ECC students
  • Purchase of laptops for students directly impacted by the transition to remote learning
  • MiFi hot spots to provide Wi-Fi for students with no home internet access
  • Emergency funds due to lost jobs and reduced wages
  • Rent, transportation and other living expenses


No need to buy an auction item. No need to dress up. No need to "save the date" or attend a crowded event.

Simply make a gift of any size and our matching gift sponsors will match your donation up to $60,000 so you can double your dollars.

To contribute to this fund to help more students, donate today and select the "El Camino Student Emergency Fund" as the designation.

Thank you for supporting our students. The world needs more kindness during this difficult time.


Thank You

We would like to give special thanks to our matching gift sponsors (Norris Foundation, Northrop GrummanTorrance Refining Company, SoCalGas, American Honda Motor Co., Inc., and the Roadium Open Air Market) for their incredible generosity in doubling donation dollars. Our fundraising efforts have helped so many more students and their families because of you - thank you!

The following donors have generously given to the El Camino Student Emergency Fund and/or Warrior Pantry. We are grateful for your acts of kindness and your quick response to help those adversely affected by COVID-19.

Nearly $305,000 in critical support can now assist our most needy students. Again, thank you from the bottom of the Foundation's heart. ❤️


Mark Abayan

Thea Abayan

Maheen Adamjee

Stacey Allen

Gustavo Alvarez

American Honda Motor Co.

Kathy & Jose Anaya

Jacqueline Anaya Ixcot

Jennifer Annick


Sumiye Arnheim

Deborah Arnold

ArrowHeart Foundation

Arroyo Family

Ryan Ausland

Ashley Mae Balbas

Louise Bahar

John Baranski

Barton Brands of California

Beach Cities Masonic Lodge

Lynn Beckett

Peggy and Wayne Bemis

Rebecca & Tom Bergin

Susan Bickford

Ray Billig

Hilary & Robert Bittner

Kim & Craig Blum

Janice Boyd

Somer Boyd

Boy Scouts

Sari & Don Brann

Natalia Brar

Debra Breckheimer

Sierra Brooks

Jan Buike

Mark Burton

Jason Calizar

Moira Camacho

Laura Carrillo

Susan & Adam Carroll

Indrani Chatterjee

Chicken Maison

Kate Choi & Greg Moon

Rick Christophersen

Linda Cirillo

Christine & Harrison Clay

Karimah Cleveland

Theresa & Michael Clifford

Jeremy Cole

Robin Collett

Geraldine Condori

Lisa Conrad

Alicia Corrado

Diana & Mark Crossman

Meia Crow

Jacqueline Crowley

Anne Cummings

Heidi Cunningham

Joyce Dallal

Kristie Daniel-DiGregorio & Gino DiGregorio

Alison & Frank Davis

Elisa De Arcos

Kevin Degnan

Ligia Diaz

Doing Good Works

Teri & Patrick Doucette

Dina & Robin Dreizler

Patricia Dreizler

Kyle Ebersole

Delaney Elce-Stellino

Elect George Turner for ECC Trustee Board

Robert Eleuteri

John Ellington

Steven English

Mattie Eskridge

Sharie Espiritu

Krisha Felicilda

Melissa Ferguson

Katherine Fleming

Jessica Flores

Manolita and Ernesto Formanes

Susie Fraley

Gaetano's Restaurant

Christine Garcia

David Gendron

Suzanne & Norman George

Carla Gersh

Aaron Gill

Donald Goldberg

Ysabel Grospe

Yang Guo

Marcia & Jerry Haber

Habitat for Humanity

Lydia Hachmeister

Wilma Hairston

Joseph Hardesty

Mary Ann Harmon

Elizabeth Harsch

Hawthorne LAX Lennox Rotary

Jan Hearn

Jane & Mark Hebson

Vichanna Heng

Jeanne Henry

Chelsea Henson

Deborah Herzik

Vicki Higashi

Marcia Hise-Lau

Mahnoor Hussain

Jessica Hylak

Interact Communications

Art Irizarry

Ashley Izaguirre

Camil Jenkin

Jessie Lord Bakery

Pati Johnson

Joseph and Fiora Stone Foundation

Don Jung

Carolyn & Donald Jurk

Shimonee Kadakia

Yuko Kawasaki & Greg Cohn

Judy & Dan Keenan

Elayne Kelley

Margie and Rob Keller

Nancy Kenney

Margaret Kidwell-Udin

Kinecta Community Foundation

King's Hawaiian

Paula Koch

Sherry & Ian Kramer

Scott Kushigemachi

Helen Kutil

LA County Supervisor Janice Hahn


LA Sparks

Julie & Frederick Land

Philip Lau

Marlow Lemons

Marion & Richard Leonhard

Richard Levy

Stephen Lloyd

Lomeli's Italian Restaurant

Rachel Lonsdale

Ruben Lopez

Laurie & Stephen Love

Kathy & Raymond Lovell

Therrin Mallard

Rose Mahowald

Dena & Mike Maloney

Manhattan Beach Rotary

Peter Marcoux

Crystle and Arnold Martin

Anna Mavromati

Laurie & Tom McCarthy

Darcie McClelland

Mary McMillan

Gary Medina

Lisa Mednick-Takami

Julian Mendez

Marlon Mendez

Veronica Mendez

Myrna Mendoza

Mercado Manhattan Beach

Metro Los Angeles

Walter Meyer

Dora Miranda

Marianne Miranda

Liz & Ben Mitchell

Patti Mitsunaga

Jane Miyashiro

Maria & Ross Miyashiro

Troy Moore

Jack Mulkey

Kristina Nairn

National Charity League Beachside Chapter

Lucy Nelson

Ann Nelson Dupuy

Russ Noel Family Trust

Norris Foundation

Northrop Grumman Foundation

Lisa & Charles Noski

Kirsty Nunez

Nataly Oliva

Paula & Steve Packwood

Palos Verdes Peninsula Rotary Foundation

Parker & Covert LLP

Dipte and Danny Patel

Vasu Patel

Le Valley Pattison

Barbara Perez

Mililani Phillips

Diana Phornsutiphaijit

The Pipkin Family

Ashley Pliska

Fernanda Portet

Tamara Powers

William Pratt

Marilyn & Ken Prindle

Dominique Quiambao

The Quintana Family

Leonid Rachman

Emily Rader

John Ranaudo

Red Car Brewery

Redondo Beach Rotary

Riviera Garden Club

Ryan Ritchie


Tatiana Roque

Rotary Club of Palos Verdes Sunset

Kim Runkle

Portia Rushin-Sorunke

Daniel Saks

Andrea & Jim Sala

Carol and Gary Saxton

Russell Serr

Jean & Gary Shankweiler

Susan Shapiro-Baker

Sofia Siapkas

Brian Sieroty

Angela Simon

Jacquelyn Sims

Luukia Smith

Dionne Smith-Avery


Laura Sorensen

St. Cross Episcopal Church

Charlie Steinmetz

Marc Stevens

Lincoln Stone

Chesterlean & Howard Story

Annette Sumrall

Lynn Taylor

Sharilyn Thomas

April Thomson

Mercedes & Charles Thompson

Nancy & Russ Tonner

Torrance Bakery

Torrance Refining Company

Amanda Touchton

Cedric Tuck-Sherman

George Turner

Daby Ubeda

Katherine & Wilber Umana

Evelyn & Samuel Uyemura

Dickie Van Breene

Starleen & George Van Buren

Jarek Vela

Sue Vogl

Kathy & Paul Wafer

Nancy & Michael Waldner

Heidi & Joe Wang

Kristine & Mark Waronek

Elizabeth Washington

Ayaka Watari

Water Replenishment District

Deborah Weir

Breann Wessel

Karen Whitney

Whole Foods

Alexander Wojtowich

Katina Wong

World Relief

Sarah Worley

Erica Yanagida