Learning Disability

The Special Resource Center offers services that can assist students with learning disabilities.

A student with a learning disability experiences difficulty in processing information, retaining it and expressing it.  These difficulties may include reading, spelling, mechanics of writing, math computation, memory or problem solving.  More subtle difficulties can exist in organizational skills, time management and social/interpersonal skills.

The Special Resource Center (SRC) is here to assist students to achieve academic success. SRC services include:

  • Assessment to identify learning disabilities
  • Diagnosis of learning strengths and weaknesses
  • Development of a personalized educational plan
  • Individual learning assistance incorporating successful learning strategies
  • Educational development courses
  • Advocacy to ensure reasonable accommodation

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Identifying Learning Disabilities

A student with a learning disability may identify with some of the following attributes:

  • Confusion of similar words, difficulty using decoding skills, and problems reading longer words
  • Slow reading rate
  • Difficulty comprehending and retaining information


  • Difficulty with sentence structure, poor grammar and omitted words
  • Frequent spelling errors, inconsistent spelling and letter reversals
  • Poorly formed letters, difficulty with spacing and punctuation


  • Difficulty expressing ideas orally
  • Problems with pronunciation of words


  • Difficulty remembering basic math facts
  • Confusion and reversal of numbers, number sequence or operational symbols
  • Difficulty reading and comprehending word problems


  • Difficulty concentrating and remembering information
  • Insufficient time to complete tests or in-class assignments
  • Difficulty identifying main thoughts in print and/or lecture