Most complaints, grievances, or disciplinary matters should be resolved at the college level. This is the quickest and most successful way of resolving issues involving a California Community College (CCC). You are encouraged to work through the college complaint process first, before escalating issues to any of the following resources.
Please note the following contacts for Student Grievance and Student Discipline matters:
Discuss the incident with the instructor or college employee involved in your grievance.
If the situation is not resolved after meeting with the college employee, then proceed to meet with the employee's supervisor or dean of the division (for the instructor).
If the situation is not resolved after meeting with the supervisor or dean of the division then complete the student grievance form and detailed explanation of your grievance. Explain as clearly as possible why you are filing a grievance. Be sure to include all the necessary information (including names, dates, attachments, etc.) to support your argument so that an impartial review and decision can be reached.
The Dean of Student Support Services and a Grievance Review Board will conduct a hearing to review your documents and determine the merits of the grievance.
The office of the Dean of Student Support Services will ask the employee and supervisor named on the grievance to provide a response. If the employee or their supervisor does not respond to the grievance in ten (10) business days, the Vice President of Student Services may help in contacting the appropriate persons. The Vice President of Student Services will then do a preliminary evaluation of the grievance as to its timeliness and appropriateness. Upon meeting those minimum requirements, a hearing with the Grievance Review Board will be scheduled to evaluate the merits of the grievance.
The student grievance procedures provide every student with a prompt and equitable means of seeking an appropriate resolution for any alleged violation of his or her rights. The rights protected under these procedures include, but are not limited to, those guaranteed by the established rules and regulations of El Camino Community College District and the Education Code of the State of California. Students are advised that grievances must be filed within 20 school days of the occurrence. The procedures do not apply to the employment rights of students. Sexual harassment or discrimination complaints are made to the office of Title IX.
All formal grievances must be submitted on a student grievance form and must include specific details regarding the event involved and the rule, regulation, or law alleged to have been violated by the district. All formal grievances must be filed with the office of the vice president of student services or designee.
Ricky Gonzalez, Interim Director of Student Development, Student Development Office/Student
Activities Center, ext. 3500
Matters related to Academic Honesty and Standards of Conduct
To report an alleged violation of the Standards of Student Conduct, to file a student grievance, or refer a student to Warrior Safety Network or Office of Title IX, Diversity, and Inclusion, please use the Incident Report and Referral Form.
The Standards of Student Conduct and procedures for enforcing the Standards for Student
Conduct are governed by Board Policy 5500, Administrative Procedure 5500, and Administrative
Procedure 5520. The procedures regarding Student Rights & Grievances are governed
by Administrative Policy 5530. To read these policies and procedures, visit the Board of Trustees Board Policies.
Issues that are not resolved at the college level may be presented to the:
Nothing in this disclosure should be construed to limit any right that you may have to take civil or criminal legal action to resolve your complaints.