Staff Resources: 3. The Classified Employee


3. The Classified Employee


The Classified Service

The term “classified employee” is used in the Education Code to describe all employees at El Camino College who are non-teaching employees. Instructors are “academic employees” and are required to meet minimum qualifications established by the State of California to teach in the classroom. The El Camino Classified Employees, Local 6142, CFT, AFT, AFL-CIO (hereinafter referred to as ECCE) has an Agreement with El Camino College.

There are many different classified jobs on campus. As a new employee, you are in a probationary status for one year. Upon successfully passing your probationary period, you will become a regular employee.

Article 7, Section 2


 ECCE Classified Employee Union

The Paraprofessional and School-Related Personnel (PSRP) division of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, represents more than 350,000 school support staff in K-12 districts, colleges and universities. Our jobs include office employees, custodians, maintenance workers, bus drivers, instructional paraprofessionals, food service workers, school nurses and health aides, technicians, groundskeepers, secretaries, bookkeepers, mechanics, special education assistants and hundreds of other job titles. 

El Camino Classified Employees - Local 6142


Vacancies on Campus

As a current employee of El Camino College, you may apply for any vacancies that exist if you meet the minimum qualifications stated for the position.

For a list of current Classified employment opportunities, please visit the Human Resources - Employment Opportunities webpage, or apply online using iGreenTree.

Article 8, Section 2


Lateral Transfers

A transfer is defined as a change of work location and/or supervision either at the same salary range or voluntarily at a lower salary range. Requests for lateral transfer must be submitted to Human Resources prior to posting of vacancy, and are kept on file for six (6) months.

Article 8, Section 1


Absences and Leaves

Paid Leave of Absence

A paid leave of absence shall mean salary continuance for an employee’s normal assignment on the day of the paid absence, with full credit for all District benefits to which the employee is entitled.

Service credit is given during paid leave of absence. An employee who is granted a paid leave of absence shall not be eligible for any other paid leave(s) during the period of such approved leave. All leave requests must be submitted in writing to the dean, director or manager stating the leave category, reason for leave and duration of leave, and they must be approved before the time is taken.

Article 11, Section 1



Employees may take three days of bereavement leave (five days if out of state or in excess of 300 miles) for the death of an immediate family member as defined in the ECCE Agreement. If additional leave is requested, it may be granted and charged as personal necessity leave.

Article 11, Section 2


Personal Necessity Leave

Each classified employee is allowed up to seven personal necessity days during the year. These days are subtracted from your sick leave. To qualify for paid personal necessity leave, there shall be a compelling reason which required the employee’s absence from duty. Please see Article 11, Section 3(b) for limited reasons.

Employees may use up to two personal leave days for religious observance. Other reasons must be submitted in writing and approved in advance by the dean, director or manager.

Article 11, Section 3


Sick Leave

Sick leave utilization shall be for physical and mental disability absences which are medically necessary and caused by illness, injury or pregnancy. Full-time employees are entitled to twelve (12) days of sick leave benefits with pay for illness or injury for each fiscal year of service.

Newly hired employees are entitled to use only that portion of sick leave which has been accrued for each month of service actually rendered. They may not take full sick leave for the fiscal year until they have completed the first six (6) months of active service with the District. There is no maximum on the number of sick leave days an employee may accrue.

Article 11, Section 4


Industrial Injury

If you are injured while on the job and require immediate medical attention, your supervisor will send you to the nearest hospital for treatment. All industrial accidents must be reported to your immediate supervisor as soon as they occur.  

Article 11, Section 5


Jury Duty

Upon submission of the Certification of Jury Duty, an employee may be absent from duty without loss of pay as a result of having been called for and appearing for jury duty, excluding a grand jury. The District may refuse to grant paid leave for jury duty to an employee at any time when two percent (2%) or more of the total number of District employees are on paid jury duty leave. An employee who receives pay from the District during jury service shall remit the jury fees to the District. An employee shall be required to perform assigned service to the District during any work day or fraction thereof that the employee is released from jury service, provided that a reasonable period of time shall be allowed for necessary travel.

Article 11, Section 10


Military Leave

Any employee who is called for temporary military duty or receives orders to active duty shall be entitled to military leave without loss of compensation for up to the first thirty calendar days, provided it is in a recognized military service and they have completed one full year of active classified service with the District.

Article 11, Section 11


Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993

Under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, employers provide up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave to eligible employees for certain family and medical reasons. Employees are eligible if they have worked for at least one year and for 1,250 hours over the previous 12 months. More information regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act Procedures is available in Appendix G of the ECCE Agreement. Special Note: Medical, dental and vision insurance premiums are paid for by the District for the employee only.

Article 11, Section 13
Appendix F


Catastrophic Leave Program

The purpose of this plan is to permit employees with catastrophic illness or injury to solicit individual donations of vacation and/or sick leave from fellow employees. The intent is:

  1. To ensure that the employee continues to receive medical benefits during the recovery period.

  2. To enable the employee to continue receiving his/her regular salary.

To begin the process, a letter of request and medical verification must be sent to the Associate VP of Human Resources. Assuming all other conditions are met, he/she will initiate the “Call for Donated Leave” or the Catastrophic Illness/Injury Committee will approve Leave Bank donations.

Article 11, Section 7
Appendix E


Sick Leave to Attend to Illness of a Child, Parent, or Spouse

In accordance with California Assembly Bill 109, effective January 1, 2000, employees may use sick leave during any calendar year up to the amount of sick leave accrued in a six month period at the employee’s current accrual rate, to attend to the illness of a child, parent or spouse.

Article 11, Section 14


Performance Evaluation

A probationary employee is evaluated on his/her performance a minimum of twice during the first year. Once the probationary year is successfully completed, the regular employee will be evaluated at least once each year. Your immediate supervisor prepares evaluations, and each evaluation will be discussed with you in person.

Article 10


Disciplinary Action and Your Rights

If you violate the rules and regulations regarding behavior, disciplinary action may be taken. You will receive notice of those charges and will have the opportunity to request a hearing under the provisions of the policy. Copies of the policy are available in the division offices and on the Web. Please make sure you read the policy so that you know what El Camino College expects of its employees. More information can be found in the ECCE Agreement.

Article 23



If you feel your rights have been violated and you wish to file a formal grievance, you must follow the procedures outlined in the ECCE Agreement. It is the purpose of this procedure to provide means by which grievances can be resolved in an expeditious, amicable, and decisive manner. Additional information can be found in the ECCE Agreement.

Article 25



Employees may be laid off for lack of work or lack of funds. In the event a layoff occurs, procedures from the Education Code will be followed relating to seniority in your classification and under the provisions provided within the ECCE Agreement.

Article 18


Personnel File

Every employee at El Camino College has an official personnel file that is kept in the Human Resources Office. Under the provisions of the ECCE Agreement, you may review the contents of your personnel file upon written request.

Article 19, Section 4


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