Fanned out color swatch guide.

Color Palette

El Camino’s primary color is El Camino Blue (#20419A) and should be used at 100 percent opacity.

Primary Color

The primary El Camino College color is blue as specified here. Blue is the color which should be the color El Camino is recognized by.

El Camino Blue


El Camino Blue

CMYK: 100 | 89 | 0 | 0
RGB: 32 | 65 | 154
PMS 661

Secondary Colors

Shown below are accent colors which can be used in a conservative secondary role and should be used to a much lesser degree than the El Camino Blue.

Dark Gray Color

CMYK: 72 | 62 | 62 | 57
RGB: 49 | 53 | 53

Light Gray Color

CMYK: 0 | 0 | 2 | 30
RGB: 188 | 190 | 187

Secondary Color

CMYK: 100 |  0  | 0 | 0
RGB: 0 | 174 | 239

Secondary Color

CMYK: 68 | 0 | 36 | 0
RGB: 59 | 190 | 180

Secondary Color

CMYK: 64 | 0 | 75 | 0
RGB: 94 | 189 | 114

Secondary Color

CMYK: 0 | 9 | 84 | 0
RGB: 255 | 224 | 67

Secondary Color

CMYK: 9 | 39 | 97 | 0
RGB: 230 | 162 | 41

Secondary Color

CMYK: 19 | 100 | 100 | 10
RGB: 184 | 32 | 37

Color Distribution

Color WheelThe color wheel illustrates the weight which should be given to the secondary colors.View Larger

The secondary colors should be used only to add energy and interest to marketing materials and not compete with El Camino Blue.

The secondary color palette was designed to complement the overall look and feel of the El Camino's brand. These colors should be used only in a supporting manner to the primary brand colors.

The color wheel illustrates the weight which should be given to the secondary colors.

Secondary Color Palette