Promotional and Advertising Materials

Center for the Arts Performance Facilities
(Marsee Auditorium, Campus Theatre, and Haag Recital Hall)

Use of District logo or name and Center for the Arts logo is reserved for the District and may not be used in any advertising or promotional materials.

Promotional and advertising materials used or distributed on campus and not initiated by the Civic Center Office must be approved in advance by the Office of Student Development and must be removed by the Renter at the end of the rental period.

Cost may be assessed to Renter if such advertising or promotional materials are not removed in accordance with this section.

Renter must present a copy of the agreement to the Director of Student Development. The Office of Student Development has the right to refuse approval of any promotional and advertising materials displayed on campus.

If the District handles ticket sales, all advertising materials must be reviewed and approved by the Theatre manager or Promotion Specialist prior to distribution of the material.

Displays may be located in the lobbies only with the advance approval of the Theatre Manager. Such displays must be in good taste and may not be fastened to any part of the building. These displays may be limited by the Theatre Manager and must be located so as not to interfere with crowd movement, fire regulations, or in such a manner as to cause the lobbies to look cluttered. 

Questions? Contact Us

Bridget Delahunt
310-660-3593 x6098

Mari Baquir
Program Specialist 
310-660-3593 x3455