Library & Learning Resources Division

The mission of the Library and Learning Resources Division is to empower every student, and the ECC Community, with the knowledge, tools and life skills necessary to ensure success - through academic guidance, compassion, and encouragement.


Division of Library & Learning Resources

We provide academic resources and services to all students, faculty, staff, and other members of the El Camino College community.

Please visit us online, in person on campus, or give us a call to discover how we can help you be as successful as possible in your academic endeavors.

Division Contacts

Dr. Crystle MartinDean

Maricela Sandoval, Associate Dean

Sheryl KunisakiDirector - Learning Resources

Michelle Arthur, Dual Enrollment Coordinator/Supervisor



Division Information

This community agreement pertains to the entire Library & Learning Resources and has been developed in partnership with ASO (Associated Student Organization).  

Community Norms

In the Library & Learning Resources, members of the ECC community can expect to feel welcomed and undisturbed.  If something is impeding your use of our space, please ask your library staff for support.  To align with ECC campus policy (Add AP), ECC staff’s directions should be followed at all times. The policies below detail how the ECC Community can keep the Library & Learning Resources comfortable, clean, and courteous. 

Food & Beverages

“If it is neat, you can eat.”

  • Covered beverages and small, contained snacks and sandwiches are permitted throughout the library except
    • In the Roney Technology Center Computer Lab (formerly LMTC)
    • In the Study Center
    • In the Tutoring Center (formerly Learning Resources Center) 
    • In the Reference Room
    • In the Music Commons (formerly Music Library)
  • Open plates of food are permitted in the Collaboration Room or on the Patio (which can be accessed from within the Collaboration Room).
  • All areas should be left as clean as, or cleaner than, they were before use to maintain a sanitary study environment for all ECC students. Trash should be placed in the appropriate containers, and spills should be wiped up. If you spill and need paper towel, please see a staff member and they will provide you with some.
  • To have food in DE 166 at an event, please seek permission from the Library and Learning Resources Division Office. 


Noise levels should always be at a respectful volume that is considerate of others throughout the entire building because of the various study needs of ECC students.  Your noise level should match the area you are occupying.

  • Headphones should be used when listening to any audio, and at a volume only audible to yourself while not disturbing others.  
  • In Group study areas, quiet conversation is permitted. Group study areas include the Collaboration Room, the Study Center, the Music Commons, and the Tutoring Center. 
  • Quiet areas include the Reference Room, the West Reading Room, the upstairs Quiet Commons, and the Roney Technology Center Computer Lab.

Smoking and Vaping

Smoking and vaping are prohibited in the library and on campus.

Use of Library Public Spaces

Schauerman Library has non-classroom public spaces that are occasionally utilized for library events. To utilize these spaces please reach out to the Library and Learning Resources Division Office.

Permission to Film/Photograph in Library Facilities

For all photo and film shoots (i.e. student projects), specific permission from Library Administration is required in advance in order to protect students’ privacy. If library staff have not been notified, you will be asked to provide evidence of permission to photograph or film. is required in advance. 

Digital Sign Guidelines

The purpose of the digital signs is to promote the Library & Learning Resources’ services, collections, priorities, and activities and El Camino College activities to the El Camino community. If you would like to request a slide to be displayed, contact The Library reserves the right to not post signs based on messaging priorities, subject matter, format, design quality, time constraints, or other reasons. Please give us as much advance notice as possible.

Approved on: 3/17/21

Telephone Information

Library Services

Learning Resources Center
310-660-3593 x3511

Music Commons
310-660-3593 x5024

Research Desk

Library and Learning Resources Division Office

Program Level Service Area Outcome (SAO)

The El Camino College Library fosters the academic and personal success of the ECC community through collections that support the curriculum and different learning modalities, through seamless access to library collections, services and facilities, and through instruction of information literacy skills.

Library Area Service Area Outcomes (SAO)

Instruction SAO

Library reference and instruction sessions will aid students in developing their information literacy and research skills in identifying, locating, evaluating the credibility of, and effectively using information for their academic and personal needs.

Public Services SAO

Public Services will provide responsive and service-oriented support to the El Camino College learning community. Students and faculty will demonstrate awareness of and satisfaction with the range of services and resources available online and in-person via the Library Public Service desk, including Circulation and Reserves, in the Schauerman Library.

Outreach SAO

The Library will continue to raise awareness of its resources through partnerships with ECC programs, discovering the information needs of students, and matching Library services to the specific needs of our campus population via outreach work.

Collection SAO

The Library supports and is responsive to campus programs, curriculum, and students’ research needs by developing and providing a robust and equitable collection in both print and online formats that is current, diverse, and accessible.

Systems SAO

The Library facilitates access to Library accounts, collections and resources via the Library’s service platform (LSP), discovery tools, and website supporting on-campus and remote users.

General SAO Projects (ALL Departments contribute)

  • Assessment of general satisfaction (traditionally assessed via a survey every second fall semester)
  • Webpage improvements/updates/additions done on an as-needed basis and measured via usage statistics
  • Facilities and emergency-response planning (training, safety meetings, plans, signage) to be reviewed annually to ensure patron safety in the LLR
  • Student focus groups on various topics/issues/areas

Library Program Review (PDF)

Library Program Review Appendices 2017 (PDF)

Library Student Survey Results 2019 (PDF)

Library Faculty Survey Results (PDF)

The Division Council for the Library and Learning Resources Division meets monthly during primary semesters. Division Council Minutes now housed in Team Site.


These are the minutes for the Library Faculty meetings. It meets monthly during primary semesters. Library Faculty minutes now hours in Team Site.

2020 - 2021

2019 - 2020

2018 - 2019

2017 - 2018


The El Camino College Online and Digital Education (ODE) Advisory Committee, formerly the Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC), has primary responsibilities for developing policies and procedures for distance education courses that comply with local and state guidelines, Title 5, and regulations. ODE Advisory Committee works closely with the Academic Senate, college and division curriculum committees to ensure commitment to quality assurance and continuous improvement of the program.  The committee includes faculty from all academic divisions, along with the Director of Library and Learning Resources, the Distance Education Faculty Coordinator and staff from the Department of Online and Digital Education, representative from the College Curriculum Committee, an Academic Senate representative, and representatives from Academic Divisions, Special Resources Center, and Counseling. The committee meets every second Thursday of the month. ODEAC Minutes now housed in Team Site.

2020 - 2021

2019 - 2020

2018 - 2019


Division Dean Open Office Hours
Monday 8am 9am
Thursday 4pm 5pm



Library and Learning Resources Division Office

Schauerman Library

Room 110