
IRP Data Dashboards Catalogue

The IRP Data Dashboards Catalogue informs the ECC community about the data dashboards developed by IRP and provides an easy way to find specific metrics within each dashboard. Please click on IRP Data Dashboards Catalogue to explore the metrics offered in the dashboards.  


Annual Planning Dashboard

Reports on the institutional leading indicators, which are metrics that provide information about students' progress. Tracking these measures allows programs and departments to make changes that will help with increasing student progress and reaching ECC's institutional goals.

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Academic Program Review Dashboard

Reports course completion rates, demographics, enrollment, awards and transfer data for academic programs.

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Career Education Dashboards

Dashboards include information on Strong Workforce.

Strong Workforce Dashboard

Reports on enrollment of programs that receive funds from Strong Workforce.

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Course Success & Completion Dashboards by Department and Course

The course success rate is the percentage of students who receive an A, B, C, or Pass as a final course grade out of all students enrolled as of the census date.

The course completion rate is the percentage of students who remain enrolled through the end of a course out of all students enrolled on the census date. It is the percentage of students who did not drop late or withdraw.  

The dashboard includes course success and completion rates of current and four-year trends, as well as an analysis of equity gaps by race/ethnicity and gender. 

Please refer to the dashboard guide below for data definitions and exercises on how to use the tool to explore and filter for the data you seek. 

Course Success & Completion Dashboard Guide

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Degrees and Certificates Dashboard

Reports the division, program, gender and ethnicity of students who were awarded degrees and certificates for an academic year.

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Dual Enrollment Dashboard

Reports on enrollment, demographic, and student outcomes of high school dual enrollment students and sections.

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Enrollment Trends Dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of enrollment for the current academic year.  It also allows comparisons to like terms from previous academic years and is filterable by Division and Method of instruction. 

Metrics included are FTES, Fill Rate, Enrollment, Sections offered, and Waitlist count.  Users can also get a demographic profile of enrolled students by various characteristics.

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Gateway Courses Dashboard

Reports enrollment data on gateway courses by student meta major or department by course.

Click on Gateway Courses to access the dashboard via TEAMS. Click on "use web app instead" to enter your ECC login information before acquiring access to the dashboard.

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Guided Pathways Dashboard

Reports demographics and outcomes based on students' meta majors. 

Please refer to the dashboard usage guide below for data definitions and examples of visuals and their explanations.

Guided Pathways Success Teams Dashboard Usage Guide

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Open Sections Dashboard

Reports course section information based on metrics such as meta-major, term, day offered, start time, etc. 

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Student Services Dashboard

Reports demographics and student outcomes by race/ethnicity for the past four years. Outcomes include: success, course completion, retention, awards, and transfers. Students can be filtered by support program participation.

The dashboard is saved on the Student Services Dashboard (private) Teams site, as it contains disaggregated sensitive student data.

Click on Student Services to access the dashboard via TEAMS. Click on "use web app instead" to enter your ECC login information before acquiring access to the dashboard.

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Time to Completion Dashboard

Reports metrics for students who have completed a degree or certificate program, including units accumulated and length of time from first enrollment.

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CCCCO LaunchBoard

The California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) LaunchBoard is a statewide data system hosted by Cal-PASS Plus. Visit the CCCCO LaunchBoard for data on progress, success, employment, and earnings outcomes for California community college students.