Ask a Quick Question

Express Counseling

Got a quick question? We got you. Express  Advisors and Counselors are available to meet with you in-person or online.


For Quick Questions and More!

Sometimes you just have a quick question about a class you’re interested in, or maybe you need assistance with finding resources at El Camino College. Express Advising is designed to do just that – and more!

Here are the services available through Express Advising:

  • Getting started or returning to El Camino College
  • General questions and referrals to other services on campus
  • Consultation on classes for one semester (not an official Ed Plan)
  • Advisement on Repeating Classes
  • Questions About Dropping or Adding Classes

Fall 2024 In-Person Express Advising/Counseling Hours*:

Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm (last sign-ups at 4:30pm or sooner, depending on staff/counselor availability)


Online (Virtual) Express Advising/Counseling Hours (8/26 - 9/6)

Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 5:00pm (last sign-ups at 4:30pm or sooner, depending on staff/counselor availability)

Note: Campus closed on Monday, September 2; Friday, September 27; Monday, November 11; Thursday-Friday, November 28-29.

Virtual Express Counseling Zoom Waiting Room

*Hours of advisors and counselors are subject to change, depending on slow or peak registration times/availability/ scheduling/ meetings, etc.