Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.

Integrated Plan

Student Success and Support Program (SSSP), Student Equity (SE), and the Basic Skills Initiative (BSI)

In an effort to increase coordination among programs and to align student success initiatives, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) has introduced a new planning model, the 2017-2019 Integrated Plan for the Student Success and Support Program (SSSP), Student Equity (SE), and the Basic Skills Initiative (BSI). The integrated SSSP/SE/BSI program model promotes integrated planning and program coordination at the district and college level. The plan has been developed in consultation with students, classified professionals, faculty, and administrators. The integrated planning process was grounded in existing data, previous plans, additional statewide data, and data collected at the college.

Since Spring 2017, the Student Success Advisory Committee (SSAC) (comprised of students, classified professionals, faculty, and administrators) has been meeting to identify where the programs overlap and where opportunities exist to better align program efforts with El Camino College’s mission, our Educational Master Plan (EMP), and the California Community College’s Vision for Success. A draft copy of the Integrated Plan is currently being presented to various shared governance groups throughout campus. The following committee members will be sharing with various consultation and shared governance groups throughout campus with anticipated board approval at the November 20th meeting:

  • Arturo Hernández, Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) Program Director and Student Equity Interim Co-Director
  • César Jiménez, Associate Dean of Counseling and Student Success
  • Dr. Beth Katz, Research Analyst
  • Lars Kjeseth, Math Faculty and Basic Skills Student Outcomes and Transformation (BSSOT) Coordinator
  • Scott Kushigemachi, English and Humanities Basic Skills Coordinator
  • Art Martinez, Math Faculty and Basic Skills Coordinator
  • Marci Myers, Research Analyst
  • Dr. Dipte Patel, Dean of Counseling and Student Success
  • Idania Reyes, Interim Dean Student Support Services and Student Equity Interim Co-Director

Questions? Contact Us

Cesar Jimenez

El Camino College

Associate Dean of Counseling and Student Success

Scott Kushigemachi

El Camino College

Assistant Professor of English & Humanities and Basic Skills Coordinator