Enrollment Management

ECC Connect: Congrats to Frequent Users!

Congratulations to the faculty and staff who are reaching out to students via the newly implemented ECC Connect system. The top five ECC Connect users include Ms. Jennifer Annick, Ms. Tatiana Roque, Ms. Rhea Lewitzki, Dr. Teresa Palos and Mr. Matthew Cheung. These pioneering employees use the early alert system to get in touch with students, offering kudos and additional support as needed.

Student Tyler Martin-Brand recently noted that the system helps coursework stay on track.

"I love Starfish because it makes things a lot simpler and easier for students to track progress in their courses," Tyler said. "I am very intrigued and ready to conquer the challenges I have failed."

ECC Connect provides a central web-based location for students, instructors, counselors, and other support staff to connect and communicate. Research has shown that students who feel connected and supported during their educational experience tend to be more successful academically. Current data indicates that ECC Connect users have generated 1,148 kudos, flags, and referrals campuswide this semester through April 24. The Humanities Division leads the academic divisions in terms of top users, with faculty generating 506 kudos, flags, and referrals this semester. ECC Connect was specifically designed to engage counselors and other service providers to "follow up" in response to flags and referrals initiated by instructors. Of the 242 referrals that have been made this semester, 105 (43 percent) students have resolved or followed up on the recommendations or had an appointment scheduled.

All ECC employees who work with students are encouraged to use ECC Connect as a way to support the college's goals to increase retention. In general, early alert notifications are most effective when issued following the first graded assignment and before the middle of the semester. These are great times to reach out to students and to connect them with helpful resources. In particular, ECC Connect can be used by faculty and staff alike to communicate with students who may have inconsistent attendance or with those who are making efforts to succeed but may not be getting the marks they desire. Please contact Dr. Dipte Patel or Dr. Linda Clowers if you have questions, or if you would like an ECC Connect "All Star" to make a brief presentation at a department meeting.

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