English Faculty/Staff Directory

Full-Time Faculty

Name   Telephone
Annick, Jennifer 310-660-3593 x 5193 jannick@elcamino.edu
Brenes, Erica (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3175 ebrenes@elcamino.edu
Burnham, Stephanie 310-660-3593 x 3180 sburnham@elcamino.edu 
Cerofeci, Rose Ann 310-660-3593 x 3161 rcerofeci@elcamino.edu
Cheung, Matthew (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3689 mcheung@elcamino.edu
Cody, Tom (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3165 tcody@elcamino.edu
Corbin, Susan (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3194 scorbin@elcamino.edu
Crotwell, Dana (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3193 dcrotwell@elcamino.edu
Degnan, Kevin (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3335 kdegnan@elcamino.edu
Donnell, Sean (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3187 sdonnell@elcamino.edu
Gallagher, Jennifer  310-660-3593 x 7689  jgallagher@elcamino.edu
Gates,  Suzanne (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3163 sgates@elcamino.edu
Geraghty, Elise 310-660-3593 x 5018 egeraghty@elcamino.edu 
Glover, Christopher (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 6136 cglover@elcamino.edu
Henson, Chelsea (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3171 chenson@elcamino.edu 
Hong, Lyman 310-660-3593 x 7046 lhong@elcamino.edu
Husain, Nida (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 7758 nhusain@elcamino.edu
Isaacs, Brent (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 5163 bisaacs@elcamino.edu
Kelley, Elayne (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3167 ekelley@elcamino.edu
Leiby, Mary Ann 310-660-3593 x 3183 mleiby@elcamino.edu
Lewitzki, Rhea 310-660-3593 x 3174 rlewitzki@elcamino.edu
Marcoux, Peter 310-660-3593 x 6046 pmarcoux@elcamino.edu
Mattern, Mora (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3190 mmattern@elcamino.edu
Mavromati, Anna (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 5182 amavromati@elcamino.edu   
McDermit, Michael (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 5169 mmcdermit@elcamino.edu
McMahon, Jeffrey (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 5673 jmcmahon@elcamino.edu
Merz, Stephanie (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 6012  smerz@elcamino.edu
Nagao, Christina (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 5012  cnagao@elcamino.edu
Ochoa, Shane 310-660-3593 x 3148 sochoa@elcamino.edu 
Page, Chris (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 5196  cpage@elcamino.edu
Peppard, Bruce (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 6772 bpeppard@elcamino.edu
Reyes, Michael (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 5938 mreyes@elcamino.edu
Sandor, Jane (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3196  jsandor@elcamino.edu
Schwartz, Stephanie (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 3173 sschwartz@elcamino.edu
Sharp, Adrienne 310-660-3593 x 3192 asharp@elcamino.edu
Shaw, Jocelyn (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 7757 joshaw@elcamino.edu
Thompson, Darrell 310-660-3593 x 7772 dethompson@elcamino.edu
Williams, Rachel  310-660-3593 x 5185 rawilliams@elcamino.edu

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Part-Time Faculty

Name Telephone Email
Ali, Jawad (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 4400 jali@elcamino.edu
Arehart, Robin  310-660-3593 rarehart@elcamino.edu
Bostick, Jason (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 jbostick@elcamino.edu
Castillo, Judith (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 jucastillo@elcamino.edu
Cliett, Victoria (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 vcliett@elcamino.edu
Daniel, Cathleen (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 clundy@elcamino.edu
Davies, Agnes (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 4403 adavies@elcamino.edu
Diaz, David (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 dmdiaz@elcamino.edu
Douglas, Jeffrey (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 jdouglas@elcamino.edu
Findlay, Alexa (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 afindlay@elcamino.edu
Gray, Sarah (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 sgray@elcamino.edu
Greuel, Jamie (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 jgreuel@elcamino.edu
Grimshaw, Tucker (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 tgrimshaw@elcamino.edu
Hall, Joanne 310-660-3593 jhall@elcamino.edu
Harmon, Alika 310-660-3593 x 5501 aharmon@elcamino.edu
Harrison, Mickey 310-660-3593 mharrison@elcamino.edu
Hawley, Yvette (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 yhawley@elcamino.edu
Hector, Jeremy (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 jhector@elcamino.edu
Hennessee, Elice (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 ehennessee@elcamino.edu
Herdzina, Susan (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 sherdzina@elcamino.edu
Holt-Molina, Jennifer 310-660-3593 jholt@elcamino.edu
Huynh, Tiffany (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 thuynh@elcamino.edu
Imbarus, Aura (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 aimbarus@elcamino.edu
Jalloh, Katrina 310-660-3593 x 4266 kjalloh@elcamino.edu
Jensen, Zachary (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 zjensen@elcamino.edu
Kirk, Angie (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 akirk@elcamino.edu
Krizan, Kim 310-660-3593 x 4804 kkrizan@elcamino.edu
Lamborn, Sanam (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593  slamborn@elcamino.edu
Leinen, Sarah (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 sleinen@elcamino.edu
Magnesi, Miles (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 4791 mmagnesi@elcamino.edu
Margrave, Clinton (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 cmargrave@elcamino.edu
Millea, John (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 jmillea@elcamino.edu
Moulton, Renee (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 rmoulton@elcamino.edu
Otsuji, Sumino (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 sotsuji@elcamino.edu
Panto, Danielle (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 dpanto@elcamino.edu
Patton, Katie (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 kpatton@elcamino.edu
Peluso, Stephen (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 speluso@elcamino.edu
Phillips, Claire 310-660-3593 cphillips@elcamino.edu
Phillips, Lana (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 4408 lphillips@elcamino.edu  
Ritchie, Ryan 310-660-3593 x 4441 rritchie@elcamino.edu
Rivers, Jeffrey (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 jrivers@elcamino.edu
Runkle, Kim (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 krunkle@elcamino.edu
Russo, Salvatore (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 srusso@elcamino.edu
Sandowicz, Ryan 310-660-3593 x 4424 rsandowicz@elcamino.edu
Stover, Mitzi (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 mstover@elcamino.edu
Sullivan, Kamisha 310-660-3593 x 4649 ksullivan@elcamino.edu
Takamine, Eric (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 x 4251 etakamine@elcamino.edu
Tino-Sandoval, Cindy (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 ctinosandoval@elcamino.edu
Walker, Elizabeth 310-660-3593 x 4174 ewalker@elcamino.edu
Wright, Terry (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 tawright@elcamino.edu
Zucker, Alfred (Not teaching Summer 2024) 310-660-3593 azucker@elcamino.edu

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