Nursing Careers

Registered nurses care for individuals, families and communities in a variety of health care settings including acute care facilities and clinics. Learn about nursing career opportunities.

Nursing Career Paths

The Associate Degree Nursing Program at El Camino College prepares the graduate to manage and provide nurse care for people with multiple and varied health problems. Nurses must have a diversity of skills since they are not only a providers of care but also managers, counselors, liaisons, educators, and advocates for the client.

Graduates of the program are prepared to work in many specialty areas that include but are not limited to Medical-Surgical Units, Intensive Care, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Geriatrics, Rehabilitation, Oncology, Cardiology, Infection Control, and Occupational Health.

Students completing the first semester of nursing are eligible for certification as a nursing assistant.

El Camino College does not offer the Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) Program; however, the Nursing Program does accept LVN transfer students and will credit LVN classes and experience toward advanced standing.

To learn more about Nursing, take:

Nursing 143: Introduction to Nursing (Prerequisite: English 1A and Math 37 or equivalent and Psch 16 or concurrent enrollment with a minimum grade of C)
Nursing 101: Exploring Health Occupation Careers (Prerequisite: Eligibility for English 1A)

Career success begins with:

  • A degree in Nursing
  • A caring nature
  • Outstanding physical endurance
  • Ability to work well under pressure
  • Good problem solving skills

What is Advanced Practice Nursing?

After completing the AS Degree in Nursing, the graduate is encouraged to further his or her education to the BSN and MSN level. The following are examples of advanced practice nursing opportunities:

  • Clinical Nurse Specialist
  • Nurse Anesthetist
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Nurse Educator

Will I be able to find a job?

The current economic condition has affected employment prospects for many professions including nursing. Some recent ECC nursing graduates have had difficulty finding employment. Recent trends reveal that hospitals are treating fewer patients.

Slightly more than half (53%) of Americans say their household cut back on health care due to cost concerns in the past twelve months. Families are delaying procedures and not seeking care. The decreased reimbursement/demand for service has led many hospitals to delay hiring, reduce use of temporary labor and conduct employee layoffs. However, long term trends indicate that despite the current economic recession, the nursing shortage is expected to intensify as the baby boomer population ages and the need for health care grows.

Source: Buerhaus, P. “State of the State: Latest Projections of Nursing's Future”. Live Web Conference: 1/28/2009