The CalWORKs Work Study program provides employment-related services to CalWORKs participants to help them find employment, stay employed, and move on to higher paying jobs, thereby leading to self-sufficiency and independence.
CalWORKs participants may be eligible for on or off-campus paid work study positions through the CalWORKs Work Study Program. This is an excellent opportunity for students to gain valuable, hands-on experience often related to their field of study while also participating in an education training program.
Students who are interested in participating in the CalWORKs Work Study Program are encouraged to complete a Student Interest Form.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
The Verification of Benefits form is required prior to placement at the beginning of each primary term.
All students are required to attend a CalWORKs Work Study Orientation. The orientation gives an overview of the program, purpose, goals, student requirements, student rights, responsibilities, work ethics, campus resources and the hiring process. Enhancement skills workshops are presented to increase student employability and as a guide for success in the workplace.
Special Resource Center (SRC) Student Worker (Starting at $18/hr)
Center for the Arts, Usher / Ticket Taker, Student Worker ($16.50/hr)
Library & Learning Resources Assistant, Student Worker ($16.50/hr)
Warrior Pantry (Basic Needs Center) Student Worker ($16.50/hr)
Submit any openings or vacancies to our CalWORKs office.
Submit monthly timesheets on behalf of CalWORKs Work Study students employed by your organization.
Karin Baluyot
Student Services Advisor
Student Services Building, Room 227