Chat with SSP About Academic Notice

Find out how to overcome academic difficulties and seek guidance when placed on Academic/Progress Notice. The SSP team is ready to help you set and achieve your goals.

Connect with an SSP Team Member to Talk About Your Academic Standing

Talk to us and learn how the Student Success Program (SSP) can help you through your academic difficulties. SSP offers counseling and advising, in addition to a variety of enhancement workshops. Our team can also connect you with additional support services to help you be successful in college.

SSP Drop-In is available to: 

  • Ask questions regarding academic/progress notice or dismissal
  • Schedule an appointment to meet with an SSP Counselor
  • Get information about SSP workshops
  • Complete a the Level 2 contract, only if you already have an approved ed plan for the next semester
  • Get referrals to on/off campus resources
  • Schedule an appointment to calculate your GPA/WINC or discuss other study skill topics

Angie's Drop-In Hours:

Wednesdays: 3:30-4:30 p.m. 

Thursdays: 10-11 a.m. 

Click here to connect on Zoom with Angie  or email 


Martha's Drop-In Hours:

Tuesdays: 3-4 p.m. 

Fridays: 10 a.m.-11 a.m. 

Click here to connect on Zoom with Martha  or email 


Contact Us!

Student Success Program

El Camino College

Phone: 310-660-3593 ext. 7800