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Scholarly Insight for Teaching Excellence (SITE) is committed to facilitating professional relationships among educators, administrators, and staff who want to make a positive change at El Camino College. In order to make this positive change, SITE believes that it is paramount for ECC's employees to be actively anti-racist and that this positive change can only come from how we address and repair systemic racism within our institution. SITE shares research, articles, and other exemplary works to inform our community, driven by our 2020/2021 inquiry question, "How do we transform El Camino College into an anti-racist college?”

Virtual Hallway

A weekly conversation on the issues facing El Camino College professors; it is an open space for higher education discussions

SITE is proud to present the work of several faculty members in creating a podcast to explore the issues relevant to teaching equitably at El Camino College. The Virtual Hallway Podcast was created during the summer of 2020 by Mitzi Stover, Art Martinez, Chris Page, and Stephanie Burnham, with special contributors Chris Glover, Rhea Lewitzki, Kevin Degnan. While the summer podcasts were casual conversations on our teaching practices, the fall podcasts will be formal panel discussions on culturally responsive teaching, institutional racism, and understanding the challenges of first-generation students. Expert guests from our community will join the fall podcasts. Please follow the above link to listen to the podcasts. Topics include relevant conversations on issues impacting our college.

Ep 1: Zoom Office Hours: The Good, the Bad, and the Unfortunate. Today we talk about moving from in-person office hours to virtual office hours . . . and all that entails.

Ep 2: Discussions in Canvas: The Good, the Bad, the Inexplicable. Today we explore using online discussions: how they are different from in-person discussions and various ways we use them in our classes.

Ep 3: Formative Assessments. Today we discuss various types of formative assessments and how we use them to inform students of their progress and to guide our instruction in dynamic ways.

Ep 4: Week 1 or Module 0: Planning for Success and Building Community in the First Days. In this episode we discuss how to begin the term and the challenges of building community when we teach online.

Ep 4.5: Extra Credit--How to Maintain a Sense of Community Beyond Module 0. In this episode we continue our conversation about how to establish and maintain a sense of community in our virtual classes.

Ep 5: Week 1: Where are we now? Where are we going? In this episode we debrief after our first week back in our virtual classrooms. We also chat about the future of Virtual Hallway.

Ep 6: What's New in the Writing Center. In this episode we interview our new Writing Center coordinator to learn about updates and tutoring in general.

Ep 7: Equitable Hiring Practices. In this episode we discuss how to address institutional racism and how to develop equitable hiring practices in higher education.

Ep 8: Culturally Responsive Teaching. In this episode our guest panelists discuss ways we can improve equity outcomes for our students.

This webinar highlights the importance of centering equity in STEM-based authentic assessments.

Assessments allow students to demonstrate what they know and allow us to measure their knowledge and skills. Using equity-based authentic assessments reflects our commitment to student-centered learning by providing students with opportunities to apply what they’ve learned and connect this learning on a deeper level to the world around them.  Our panelists include:

Dr. Jennifer Cole, Assistant Professor of Earth Science, Climate Change & Environmental Studies Chair, Academic Senate Vice President, West Los Angeles College

Dr. Larry Green, Professor of Math, Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Grant Director, AB798 Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant Director, Statistics for the LibreTexts Grant Director, Lake Tahoe Community College

Dr. Rob Rubalcaba, Associate Professor of Math, San Diego City College, Math Jam, Sushi Chef, DJ

In June 2020, the USC Center on Race and Equity formed the California Community College Racial Equity Leadership Alliance. The Alliance offer e-convenings, trainings, climate surveys and technical assistance to community colleges within the Alliance. E-convenings have been held since September and participants including a cross-section of campus stakeholders.

E-Convening Participants

Fostering and Sustaining Inclusive Classrooms for Students of Color – September 10
Melissa Fujiwara, Christopher Page, Charlene Brewer-Smith, Nancy Freeman, Christopher Hurd

Understanding and Addressing Implicit Bias – October 12
Monica Delgado, Seranda Sylvers, Ruben Lopez, Fine Tuitupou, Jamisyn Williams

Understanding and Confronting Anti-Black Racism – November 12
Gary Medina, Maribel Hernandez, Lyn Clemons, Austin Osogwin, Nisha Josephs

Meaningfully Integrating Race Across the Curriculum – December 10
Ryan Marinez, Tamara Motley, Joshua Rosales, Linda Cooks, Erica Brenes

A Campus Forum on USC’s E-convenings on Race and Equity
Presented by Shaun Harper
Review college students’ most common racist experiences.

The State of Higher Education for Black Californians is the first in the Campaign for College Opportunity’s series of reports on the current state of college access and completion for California’s Black; Latinx; and Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders. The state of higher education reports also discuss the implications of educational inequity for the state and its economy. This report analyzes the state of Black Californians in education. Specifically, this report reviews data related to preparation, enrollment, and success in college for Black Californians. It also recommends actions that our policymakers and college leaders can take in order to ensure college opportunity for Black students. (Source)

Read the Report