Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why does El Camino College need a bond?

A: Some of our college’s classroom, labs and buildings are more than 65 years old. Buildings need upgraded fire alarms, emergency lighting, and smoke detectors. Outdated plumbing, old roofs, decaying walls, and ventilation systems need replacing.

Problems include: outdated fire safety and emergency lighting systems; aging electrical systems and wiring that don’t accommodate computer technology and internet access; outdated science laboratories; hazardous materials like asbestos; and classrooms with inefficient heating and ventilation systems.

Measure E (2002) was the first bond in El Camino College’s history. With interest rates at low levels, repairs and improvements cost less at that time than in the future.

Q: For what needs are bond funds being used?

A: Our most urgent needs include:

  • Fire safety upgrades and alarm systems.
  • High-tech labs for science, math and vocational training.
  • Up-to-date instructional equipment.
  • Improved lighting for safety and energy efficiency.
  • Improved wiring for electrical service and internet access.
  • Health and safety repairs to leaky roofs and decaying walls.
  • Removal of asbestos and hazardous materials.

Q: How were these needs identified?

A: A Facilities Advisory Committee, including planners, engineers, operations experts, and campus stakeholders met to identify current and future needs.

Q: Why does ECC have these needs?

A: Like many community colleges throughout California, our college has old buildings used by generations of students, coupled with limited funding. Community colleges have lost much of their facilities/maintenance funding in recent years due to state budget cuts. Additional limited funding is anticipated for future years as well.

Q: Are these routine maintenance issues?

A: NO. These are far beyond ongoing maintenance issues. The district has done a good job with ongoing maintenance, but we have significant renovation and repair needs for which we receive little or no funding from the state.

Q: Now that the bond has successfully passed, how do we know funds are being spent properly?

A. By law, money from any proposed bond can only be spent on buildings, classrooms, or instructional equipment. The El Camino Community College District Board of Trustees has appointed an independent Citizens Oversight Committee to review and monitor all funds to ensure they are spent properly.

Q: What are some of the academic programs available at El Camino College?

A. Our general education programs are statewide leaders. We consistently rank in the top 10 of community colleges in transfers to the University of California and California State University systems, and the top three to USC. Our Police Academy has graduated 5,000 officers into active duty. We train firefighters each year for service in our local communities. We partner with 34 hospitals, including Cedars-Sinai, Harbor-UCLA and Little Company of Mary, to train nurses and health care professionals.