Current Academic Program Review Timeline

Each year the programs that must submit a program review in the spring semester begins the review process during the preceding fall semester.  

May - June

  • Division deans submit the names of designated faculty member(s) for program reviews.
  • Designated faculty attend program review orientation.

August - September

  • Designated faculty review program data provided by the Office of Institutional Planning and Research (IRP).
  • Designated faculty review the program review document from the previous cycle.

September - November

  • Designated faculty prepare rough drafts, seeking input from program and division colleagues, including the:
    • Program faculty
    • Division curriculum committee representative
    • Division SLO facilitator
    • Division dean (and associate dean, as applicable)
  • Submit additional data requests to IRP by the end of October. 

November - December

  • Submit any final data requests to IRP by the end of October.  IRP may not be able to fulfill data requests submitted after this time.
  • Designated faculty revise the first draft according to feedback received from division colleagues.
  • Designated faculty present revised draft to program/division colleagues.

Note: Any dissenting opinions should be noted in a report that is included as an appendix to the program review document.


  • Designated faculty submit completed program reviews to the Academic Program Review Committee (APRC) co-chairs and division dean.
  • Designated faculty submit completed CE two-year reviews to the APRC co-chairs and division dean, as applicable.

February - June

  • If needed, designated faculty meet with APRC co-chairs to discuss their program review prior to Academic Program Review Committee.
  • Designated faculty meet with the APRC to discuss program review.
  • Following the review meeting with Academic Program Review Committee, designated faculty attend Nuventive training session regarding input of program review into the system.


  • Designated faculty submit final program review documents to APRC for posting to the College website.
  • Designated faculty enter program review content into Nuventive in accordance with guidelines from Nuventive Program Review training session.


Click here to view a list of programs scheduled for 2020 Program Review.