Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.
Check out the Equipment Loan Program for laptops and calculators here at the Library. We can also help assist with your tech and Canvas questions!
Due Date: 12/18/23 (No late fee)
Return Period: Library open on 12/18/23 (Monday) and 12/19/23 (Tuesday)
Hours: 8am-3pm
Location: El Camino College Library @ the Library Services Desk in the lobby.
Enrolled in Winter 2024 term classes? You can renew!
Renew laptops on 12/18/23 (Monday) and 12/19/23 (Tuesday)
Hours: 8am-3pm
Not taking Winter 2024 term classes? *Please return by 12/18/2023 (Monday before 3pm)
to avoid fines.
Students fined $250.00 - $350.00 (depending on model type) for lost or broken laptops.
*Automatic fines if laptop or calculators remains unreturned or unrenewed.
Date: 01/02/24 (Tuesday) and 01/03/24 (Wednesday)
Hours: 8am-3pm
Location: El Camino College Library @ the Library Services Desk in the lobby.
**Loans are on a first-come, first-served basis. Supplies will be limited.
Stolen laptop appeal process: Submit a police report and fill out the form here. The appeal process applies only to laptops. The appeal link does not renew your items. TI-84 calculators will be fined for loss, breakage, or theft.
El Camino College has discontinued its hotspot loan program.
Students with hotspots on loan have been charged the $175.00 lost item fee.
Technology is first come, first serve. Please go to the Library Lobby to check out laptops, and calculators.
If you have questions, email
Check your library account for return dates. Return Location is the Library Lobby.
These videos cover the following Canvas topics:
1) Welcome to Canvas and How to Log On 2) The Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation Menu 3) Course Cards 4) These videos cover the following Canvas topics: 1) Welcome to Canvas and How to Log On 2) The Canvas Dashboard and Global Navigation Menu 3) Course Cards 4) Activity Stream 5) To Do List 6) Calendar 7) Syllabus 8) Modules 9) Assignments 10) Grades 11) Notifications 12) Pronto13) Zoom:
Access Tutoring Services through Canvas
How to Access Office 365 from Home
How to Access Your El Camino Email
How to Use Zoom with a Computer or Laptop
Here are recommendations from ECC ITS to help keep your computer safe while you are online:
Black and white and color printing is available in The Study Center computer lab and copying is available in the Tutoring Center. Both are located on the second floor of the Schauerman Library.
Send your documents to a printer in the student computer labs.
Copyright law of the United States, (U.S. Code: Title 17) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Photocopying or reproduction is not to be used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research. If users copy material in violation of copyright law, they will be liable for copyright infringement. The library reserves the right to refuse to accept requests for copying assistance if it would involve violation of copyright laws.
Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday and Saturday: Closed