Emergency Drill Information

Stay informed about the upcoming active shooter drill on campus.

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Emergency Preparedness

Emergency drills play a crucial role in enhancing campus safety and security. They ensure emergency preparedness by familiarizing individuals with specific campus protocols, evacuation routes, and communication strategies.

This drill exercise aims to empower individuals, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to take control of their safety and contribute to a secure campus environment.

Drill Information

The last Active Shooter Drill took place on Friday, April 12, 2024 from 9-10 a.m. at the Bookstore.


The El Camino College Police Department continues to pursue training and conduct simulated drills in the areas of Active Aggressor, Mass Casualty Response, and armed person incidents training for police personnel as a result of the increase in occurrences of Active Aggressor/mass casualty incidents, public protests, and armed felon incidents across the United States especially in educational settings. 

Active Aggressor/Mass casualty incidents, public protests, and armed person incidents are usually spontaneous, unpredictable, and violent in nature. These traits often dictate a non-standard law enforcement response to minimize casualties and to bring a mass casualty incident to a rapid conclusion.

The priority for law enforcement is to quickly contact suspect(s) and force their surrender, containment, or the use of force sufficient to end the threat to the campus community. 


Drill takes place Friday, April 12, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. 

  • ECC Police Department personnel will have an 7 a.m. start time.
  • Bookstore staff participants and other role players will have an 8 a.m. start time.
  • Set-up personnel will have a start time of 7 a.m. and will meet in the Police Station Conference room for drill briefing.
  • Participants will operate on ECC channel three (3).
  • Community service officers (CSO) and Cadets on perimeter duty will operate on ECC channel one (1).
  • Patrol Officers and Watch Commander (Sergeant) will operate on ECC channel one (1).
  • Training Scenario Officer (s) and Watch Commander will operate on ECC channel three (3). 


A training briefing will be conducted first thing in the morning at 8 a.m. to review the schedule for the day and to announce any changes.  From 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. the Bookstore Building will be prepared for Active Aggressor Simulation Drill  while role players and allied agencies will receive a briefing on drill and safety procedures. 

At the conclusion of this briefing, the Active Aggressor Simulation Drill will take place emphasizing the following five areas:

  1. ECC District Policy, ECPD Operation and Safety Plan.
  2. Tactical training and maneuvering focusing on a one or two-person assault team (s) on open areas, hallways, and room entry.
  3. Tactical training and maneuvering focusing on Diamond, single officer, Y formation, and T formation for Active Aggressor/Mass Casualty response team (s).
  4. Rescue teams to remove victims from “cold“ and “warm” areas during the Active Aggressor/Mass casualty Simulation Training.
  5. Officer Ambush scenarios


Police Personnel will be equipped with safety equipment:

  1. Full class B or black BDU uniform
  2. Eye/face protection shall be worn
  3. Body armor, knee/elbow pads, or gloves are allowed.
  4. Ballistic Helmet (optional)
  5. Flashlight

Civilians/Cadets/CSO’S/Role Players (Safety equipment) 

  1. Attire that covers a majority of the body.
  2. Eye/face protection shall be worn.
  3. Body armor, knee/elbow pads, or gloves are allowed.  

Proctors, Safety Officers, observers, other personnel (safety equipment) 

  1. Green/black BDU Uniform and/or a brightly colored traffic safety vest.
  2. CSO’s and Cadets on perimeter security details will wear standard issued department uniform.
  3. Safety gear as provided or determined by Supervisor (s)/Proctor (s) will be utilized.


Frequently Asked Questions

No, only the individuals in the retail Bookstore.


The location chosen for the Active Aggressor/Mass Casualty  Simulation Drill is the El Camino College Bookstore Building Complex located on the north side of the campus.  This is a large facility that provides classroom, office, corridor, stairwell, and close quarters combat areas to simulate most Active Aggressor/Mass Casualty situations our officers and staff would encounter in buildings on the El Camino College Campus. 

We will be staging our training inside the Bookstore Complex that allows access to restroom facilities, drinking water, seating, and access to all areas of the Bookstore Complex for Active Aggressor/Mass Casualty training scenarios. 

All Active Aggressor Simulation Drills will take place within this complex.  MAC/TAC and other tactical maneuvering training (TBD) may take place on the exterior of this complex, and other areas to be determined on training day.


The Bookstore Building Complex will be appropriately marked with yellow police tape and physical barricades (sandwich boards, cones, barricades) to advise and warn the Campus Community of the Active Aggressor/Mass Casualty simulation training taking place. 

Uniformed El Camino College Police Department CSOs and Cadets (using ECC channel one) will be stationed on the Bookstore Complex perimeter to advise members of the campus community, answer questions, and bar entry of any non-authorized person (s) trying to enter the Training area. 

Personnel are instructed to tell members of the public that “police training” only is taking place.  Any further questions or concerns direct them or call the on duty El Camino College Police Department Supervisor. 

If a situation arises where anyone not associated with the training demands entry or refuses orders to such will immediately notify ECC Dispatch who will contact the on duty ECPD Supervisor to speak to the person (s). 

If ECC PD Dispatch receives a report where an unauthorized person has entered the Bookstore Building Complex they will complete a repeated broadcast over ECC Channel three (3) to “stand down from training”. 

ECC PD Dispatch will immediately contact the On Duty Supervisor or a member of the training staff for a situation update. 


ECC scenario participating personnel (staff, student workers, Police Department personnel) will not have any firearms, ammunition, or edged weapons, defense sprays on their person or anywhere while engaged in Active Aggressor/Mass Casualty Training scenarios utilizing “Simunition weapons training gear." 

Prohibited items need to be secured in the El Camino College Police station or in a personal/patrol vehicle not being used for training. 

All personnel will be subject to an inspection by a Safety Monitor (Range Master or Range Safety Officer) to insure these items do not migrate into the training environment. 


Yes. Sounds may include simulated gun fire (blanks), loud voices/yelling, and possibly sirens.


If an accident or injury occurs directly related to the Active Aggressor/Mass Casualty simulation training requiring medical treatment it needs to brought to the attention of the on duty ECPD Supervisor.  An ECC 902 report will be completed as necessary. 

In the event of an illness/injury requiring EMS, simulation training will be suspended and necessary aid will be rendered to any sick or injured person (s) until they are secured and evaluated by EMS. 

Standard ECC PD procedures for the contact of EMS through ECC PD Dispatch and escort Fire/EMS to location of sick/injured person(s) will be followed unless otherwise directed. In the event person(s) are transported, Fire/EMS will determine transportation location.

If a critical incident occurs on the El Camino College Campus or in the local area that requires sworn personnel from the El Camino College Police Department and/or other participating Police/Fire agencies to respond to assist, simulation training will immediately be suspended and ECPD Sworn Personnel will immediately gather at the simulation training staging area and secure “Simunition training gear/weapons." El Camino PD Supervisor(s) and/or Proctor(s) will release any held firearms/weapons to personnel to respond unless otherwise directed. ECPD Supervisor(s) will apprise the Campus Community/constituent groups of any emergencies. 


Addressing the mental health aspect in the context of active shooter drills is crucial due to the potential emotional impact these exercises can have on individuals. Below are resources available to students and employees:


Evacuation instructions will be provided to retail Bookstore employees/staff. 

Employees in other buildings should watch the Surviving an Active Shooter Training Video.


Yes, on a voluntary basis, either as actors or observers.


Please consult your supervisor.

Reminder: this drill will only involve retail Bookstore employees/staff.



Explore the educational and informational resources and tools available to help prepare you for the emergency drill.

The Ohio State University Department of Public Safety, in partnership with the Office of Student Life, has released this video to educate its campus community on Surviving an Active Shooter.


Contact Campus Police at 310-660-3100.