Campus Buildings Closed February 13: Campus buildings will be closed on Thursday, February 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. as staff will be participating in professional development activities. Buildings will reopen at 3 p.m.

Natural Sciences Division

The Division of Natural Sciences offers instruction in the biological and physical sciences for science and non-science majors. 

Division of Natural Sciences

The Natural Sciences Division is comprised of six areas: Astronomy, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Environmental Horticulture, Life Sciences and Physics. Earth sciences courses are offered in geography, geology, meteorology and oceanography. Life sciences courses are offered in anatomy, biology, field studies, microbiology and physiology.

The Division provides a comprehensive lower-division curriculum for science majors preparing to transfer to 4-year colleges and universities. We also provide general education courses that are designed to allow students to understand and apply the scientific method, and to understand basic underlying principles of nature and the relevance to their lives.

Planetarium and Observatory

The Division also maintains a planetarium and observatory with several telescopes for its instructional program in astronomy and for public outreach. With the Chronos star projector, faculty members are  able to display a realistic sky of the past, present and future from different locations in the solar system. There are monthly open houses at the observatory and when possible, planetarium shows are provided for schools and the public.


The STEM Center supports science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) disciplines. By serving as a hub for tutoring and academic support programs, the STEM Center aims to increase the number of students pursuing and succeeding in STEM disciplines at the college, transferring in STEM majors to four-year universities, or entering the related workforce.

Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement (MESA) uses various components to support students pursuing math- and science-based degrees. Program components build an academically based peer community to provide student support and motivation. This community of learners, with a very specialized focus, is what sets MESA apart from other student success programs.

Honors Transfer Program (HTP) at El Camino College is designed to better prepare the highly motivated student to transfer successfully to a university and complete a bachelor's degree.


For the fall 2021 semester, a limited number of classes will be held on campus. Please check the class schedule - if a room number is given for a lab, it will be conducted on campus.


Contact Information

Amy Grant, Dean


Mariam Santiago, Administrative Assistant


Dates/time to be announced - check back soon!

Division Dean Open Office Hours
Monday TBA TBA
Tuesday TBA TBA
Wednesday TBA TBA
Thursday TBA TBA
Friday TBA TBA



Questions? Contact Us

Natural Sciences

Life Sciences, Room 101

View Campus Map


Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
7:45 am - 4:30 p.m.