Academic Senate

Meeting and Agenda

The Academic Senate meets the first and third Tuesdays, 1:00-2:30 p.m. in DE 166 

Meeting Dates for Fall 2024: Sept 3rd & 17th, Oct 1st & 15th, Nov 5th & 19th, Dec 3rd
Meeting Dates for Spring 2025: TBD 

Our Senate Meeting Agendas and Minutes are now on BoardDocs!!!   Click here to access. 

If you have any questions related to the Academic Senate contact the Senate President. 


Academic Senate Handbook

Download Academic Senate Handbook

According to ECC Board Policy 2510, “the Board will normally accept the recommendations of the Academic Senate on academic and professional matters as defined by Sub-Chapter 2, Section 53200, et seq., California Administrative Code, Title 5, and as listed below:

  1. Curriculum, including establishing prerequisites and placing courses within disciplines;
  2. Degree and certificate requirements;
  3. Grading policies;
  4. Educational program development;
  5. Standards and policies regarding student preparation and success;
  6. District and College governance structures as related to faculty roles;
  7. Faculty roles and involvement in accreditation process, including self- study and annual reports;
  8. Policies for faculty professional development activities;
  9. Processes for program review;
  10. Processes for institutional planning and budget development, and
  11. Other academic and professional matters as mutually agreed upon between the Board of Trustees and the Academic Senate.

 If the District Governing Board of Trustees disagrees with the recommendation of the Academic Senate, representatives of the two bodies shall have the obligation to meet and reach mutual agreement by written resolution, regulation, or policy of the Governing Board.

The Academic Senate is committed to supporting the college’s Mission and Strategic Plan, including Strategic Initiative C – COLLABORATION - Advance an effective process of collaboration and collegial consultation conducted with integrity and respect to inform and strengthen decision-making. For more information consult ECC Academic Senate Handbook or Local Senates Handbook.


Sample Syllabus Statements

Working in collaboration with campus stakeholders, the Senate has developed recommended syllabus statements which are suggested and can be modified. The Senate encourages faculty to consider including this information in their syllabi as a way of supporting student success (i.e., directing students to resources like our counselors) and of addressing areas of concern, such as whether students must get permission to record in the classroom.  Several statements have links to additional information which can help provide some background or context. 


Minimum Qualifications and Equivalencies

Minimum Qualifications

The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) determines the minimum qualifications (MQs) for faculty teaching in California Community Colleges.  MQs outline the minimum education and/or experience required to teach in specific disciplines.  There are also MQs for non-teaching faculty, including counselors, librarians, articulation officers, and other faculty who provide a service to students.  The ASCCC oversees the process of revising state minimum qualifications, which are adopted by the California Board of Governors and published by the Chancellor’s Office for California Community Colleges.  At the local level, districts can set MQs that are equivalent or exceed the state’s MQs.  Districts cannot set MQs that are lower than the state’s MQs. 

For a list of our college’s local minimum qualifications:  El Camino College’s minimum qualifications.

For the state minimum qualifications:  California Community College Chancellor’s Office minimum qualifications.

For information about revising the state minimum qualifications, please visit:

Academic departments interested in revising the local minimum qualifications for their discipline should contact the president of the El Camino College Academic Senate. 


Applicants who lack the exact degree or experience specified in the MQs but possess qualifications that are at least equivalent to those required may apply for equivalency.  Determining equivalency falls within the purview of the El Camino College Academic Senate.  Equivalency is not intended to grant waivers for lack of the required qualifications.  It is the responsibility of the applicant to supply conclusive evidence and documentation for the claim of equivalency at the time of application, evidence which is as clear and reliable as college transcripts being submitted by other candidates.  Application forms are available from Human Resources and can be viewed here.

More information about equivalency can be found in Administrative Procedure 7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications, and Equivalencies.

The Academic Senate for California Community Colleges provides useful guidance for determining whether applicants meet equivalency.  Visit or, specifically, the article “Busting Equivalency Myths.”


Support for all Students

The El Camino College Academic Senate is dedicated to advocating for all of our students in order to create a safe and effective learning environment. The Senate's "Statement of Support for all Students" can be viewed here.  The Senate collaborated on development of a resolution "Supporting Excellent, Comprehensive Educational Programs for all Students," which was approved by the Board of Trustees and can be viewed here.  To learn more about resources to support students, visit AB540 and Undocumented Student Resources

Academic Senate Unanimously Adopts Resolution Declaring Support for Black Student Success Week

The ECC Academic Senate fosters the effective participation by community college faculty in all academic and professional matters; develops, promotes, and acts upon policies responding to collegewide concerns; and serves as the official voice of the faculty of El Camino College in academic and professional matters.