Student Checklist

Use this checklist to prepare and inform yourself on proper protocols and practices while on campus.

If you have questions, contact your instructor for guidance. While on campus, help prevent and reduce the transmission of COVID-19 by adhering to the following practices:

  • Do not come to class if you are feeling sick. Stay home, inform your instructor, and contact your healthcare provider, if necessary.
  • Complete the online screening process before coming to campus.
  • Wear a mask at all times while on campus. If you do not have your own mask or forget to bring one when you arrive on campus, ask your instructor how to obtain one. For guidance on the proper use of masks, click here.
  • To obtain a mask on campus, visit the North Gym, academic division offices or Student Services Building.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer if a sink is not available. For more information on proper handwashing techniques, click here. If soap dispensers or paper towels are running low or need to be refilled, please inform the Facilities Department at (310) 660-3593 ext. 5692.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or the inside of your elbow if you cough or sneeze. Immediately throw tissue in trash, then wash your hands. For more information on proper cough and sneezing etiquette, click here.
  • Avoid using another person’s phone, tablet and other work tools and equipment. Clean and disinfect if sharing occurs. If disinfectant wipes are not readily available, inform your instructor.
  • When you come to campus, go directly to class. After class, leave campus immediately.
  • Do not bring food or drinks to the classroom.
  • Limit the amount of belongings brought to campus outside of class material.
  • Use wipes to clean your table, desk, or work area before leaving class. Follow the instructor’s directions for sanitizing when you’re done using equipment and hand tools.

Maintain Social Distancing Practices on Campus

  • Practice social distancing.
  • Avoid large gatherings and stay at least 6 feet from others when possible.
  • Refrain from congregating in confined spaces.
  • Do not engage in handshakes, hugs, or any other physical contact with any person at all times while on campus.
  • Observe posted signage that limits use and the number of people in the elevator.
  • Use only unmarked stalls and sinks in restrooms.