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Safety Matters

Safety Reminders
Welcome back Warriors! As the fall semester begins, please review these basic safety reminders to help ensure a safe campus community. Students, staff and faculty concerned for their safety should not hesitate to contact the Police Department for an escort by a cadet to and from class, or while traveling across campus. The Police Department can be reached at 310-660-3100 or by accessing the emergency phones located on blue poles for emergency and nonemergency connection to the Police Department. 

For Your Safety:

  • If harassed or assaulted, scream and attempt to run for safety.
  • Be alert for subjects loitering in an area with no particular purpose.
  • When walking, avoid doorways, bushes and other potential hiding places.
  • If you see something, say something. By working together, we all contribute to the safety of our campus.
  • In an emergency, contact Campus Police by calling 911 from a landline phone, 310-660-3100 from a cell phone, or use a campus “Code Blue” emergency phone.
  • Learn the location of “Code Blue” emergency phones located throughout campus. These phones are directly linked to Campus Police and are considered 911 priority lines. Students, employees and the community are encouraged to utilize these phones for any emergency.
  • Have keys in hand before walking to your car.
  • Always be aware of your surroundings. Remember the use of cell phones may significantly distract you.
  • Don’t walk alone. Use the buddy system.
  • Use good judgment: meet new people, including classmates or colleagues, in public places. Don’t get into a car or go to out-of-the-way places with someone you don’t know.
  • Use the ECC Courtesy Shuttle operated by ECC Police from 6-10:30 p.m.; on-call 24 hours. Use one of the police phones located throughout campus or call 310-660-3100.
  • Evening students and faculty are encouraged to park in the same general area as other faculty or students with evening classes in their building. This provides the opportunity for a group of students and faculty to walk together to their cars after dark.
  • Immediately report any suspicious activity to Campus Police.
  • Be alert! Be prepared!



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