Plans for 2021 Spring Semester

September 11, 2020

Plans for 2021 Spring Semester

Dear Students:

With the fall semester now underway, I hope you’re doing well in your courses and staying healthy. I write to share with you an update on El Camino College’s plans for the 2021 Spring Semester.

As you might imagine, it’s difficult to predict the course of the pandemic. In considering how we’ll proceed this spring, we’ve consulted with our fellow community colleges in the region. Most are planning to continue with the same format we’ve adopted here at El Camino: instruction provided mainly online, with face-to-face classes for programs that prepare students for essential industries like healthcare, public safety, and manufacturing. 

So, given what we know about the pandemic right now, El Camino College will maintain this approach for the 2021 Spring Semester. We’ll provide a largely online schedule, with face-to-face classes in essential industry programs. We’ll also try to offer face-to-face lab classes in hard-to-convert classes such as the sciences—if permitted by public health officials in Los Angeles County and the State of California.

We know these are challenging and uncertain times. As always, El Camino College is fully committed to your success. Please don’t hesitate to take advantage of the wide variety of resources available to assist you. Visit our Keeping Warriors Safe page to learn more.

Warm regards,

Dena P. Maloney, Ed.D.
El Camino College