New Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 Reported on Campus

August 30, 2021

El Camino College received confirmed reports today, 8/30/2021, that two individuals tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus.  To protect patient privacy, specific information about these individuals is considered confidential and will not be disclosed.

The first individual tested positive on 8/30/2021, and was last on campus on 8/30/2021. This individual has not identified any close contacts while on campus, and only this individual is required to observe the minimum 10-day isolation at home. The locationwhere the affected individual has visited, ITEC Building Room 202, will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected as required. It is important to know that transmission more commonly occurs via sustained face-to-face contact and through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Surface transmission is less common.

The second individual tested positive on 8/28/2021, and was last on campus on 8/13/2021. This individual has not identified any close contacts while on campus and is observing the minimum 10-day isolation at home. The affected individual has not visited any locations on campus for more than two weeks preceding their positive result.

The entire El Camino College community sends these individuals sincere wishes for a quick recovery. As always, all El Camino College students and employees are asked to follow the directions given by public health and elected officials during this outbreak. This includes obeying the Health Officer’s most recent orders from Los Angeles County and the State of California.

For more information on how COVID-19 is spread, infection prevention techniques, and other COVID-19 related resources, please refer to the El Camino College COVID-19 Task Force Website.