Temporary Building Closures Planned

August 17, 2020

Temporary Building Closures Planned

In an effort to reap savings from the underutilization of buildings due to remote learning, several buildings will be closed effective September 15. The Planning & Budget Committee identified significant utility cost savings, primarily electrical usage, by temporarily closing those buildings that are currently not being utilized for face-to-face instruction. The committee is carefully considering ways to reduce the $14 million budget deficit expected to impact the college’s 2020/21 budget using guiding principles that protect the core mission of serving students.

The health and safety of those who are on campus is of the utmost importance. To ensure your safety, Deans and Vice Presidents require faculty and staff to contact their Dean to obtain authorization to visit campus to retrieve their belongings. Wearing a mask and following social distancing protocols is required when on campus.

Buildings planned for closure include:

  • PE South (excluding Student Health Services)
  • PE North
  • Art and Behavioral Science
  • Music
  • Humanities

Divisions housed in these areas will receive specific closure information for buildings that are required to maintain partial use.