Reporting Protocol for COVID-19

Learn about testing and reporting illness or exposure to COVID-19.

Testing and Reporting Illness or Exposure

El Camino College (ECC) provides no-cost COVID-19 testing to all students, faculty, and staff. 

Report COVID-19 Case

If an ECC student or employee fall ill, have been exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 case, or test positive for COVID-19 themselves, they must:

  • Call the ECC COVID Testing Center at 310-660-3593 ext. 7723 or by email at as soon as they become aware;
  • Self-monitor for symptoms;
  • Stay home for at least 5 days after start of symptoms (Day 0) or after date of first positive test (Day 0 when no symptoms);
  • Fully cooperate with our contact tracing efforts so we may notify those they may have been in contact with while on campus. (Close contacts should also be tested with-in 3-5 days of exposure).

Students and employees must not report to campus if they test positive and/or are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 after close contact, and should not return to campus until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met.

El Camino College discourages any person from attending school or performing work while they are sick.

COVID Recordkeeping and County Reporting Guidelines

ECC will maintain all information about a student’s, faculty, and staff’s COVID-related information as a confidential medical record in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and HIPAA.

In the event of a serious COVID-19 related illness or death, or if 3 or more confirmed COVID-19 cases in an exposed group on campus in a 14-day period are identified, ECC is obligated by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) to report to these cases to the local health department.

Contact Tracing

Contact tracing will commence as soon as the ECC COVID-19 Testing Center is notified of a positive COVID-19 case.

The contact tracing steps are as follows:

  1. ECC COVID Testing Center will collect information from the infected employee or student about who they were in contact with, for how long, and at what location, starting 48 hours prior to beginning of symptoms, or starting the date of the positive test, if no symptoms are present.
  2. ECC COVID Testing Center will provide the employee or student with information about when and under what circumstances they can report back to campus.
  3. ECC COVID Testing Center will contact those determined to be close contacts of the infected employee or student. Close contact is defined as being within six feet of a COVID-19 case for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or greater in any 24-hour period, starting 48 hours prior to beginning of symptoms, or starting the date of the positive test, if no symptoms are present. This definition applies regardless of the use of face coverings. EXCEPTION: Employees are considered to not have had close contact if they wore a respirator required by the employer, whenever they were within six feet of the COVID-19 case during the “high-risk exposure period.” Respirators are required if an employee is dealing with materials deemed hazardous in their duties.
  4. The student or employee is to notify their instructors/supervisors for accommodations during their isolation/quarantine period. (Before the student or employee is cleared to return to campus, their CLEARED4 account will show their access as suspended.)
  5. If a student or employee has been off-campus the appropriate amount of time as required by the LAC DPH Health Officer Orders, and meets all requirements for ending isolation or quarantine, the individual may return to campus. Cleared4 will show the “Cleared Blue Pass” on your mobile device.


Students or employees who test positive for COVID-19, regardless of vaccination status, previous COVID-19 infection or lack of symptoms, cannot return to campus until all the following are true:

  • Self-isolate for at least 5 days and until you are no longer at risk for spreading COVID-19.
  • Isolation can end after Day 5 if symptoms are not present or symptoms are resolving, and fever free without the use of fever reducing medications.
  • Isolation can end if a healthcare provider reassess diagnoses and concludes that you do not have COVID-19 (for example, if the employee test positive via antigen, but is negative via PCR testing, the PCR result would take precedent), and at least 24 hours have passed since you have been fever free without the use of the fever reducing medications.
  • If unable to test or choose not to test, and symptoms are not present or symptoms are resolving, isolation can end after Day 10.
  • If fever is present, isolation should be continued through Day 10 until fever resolves.
  • If symptoms, other than fever, are not resolving, continue to isolate until symptoms are resolving and end isolation after Day 10.
  • Wear a well-fitting mask around others for a total of 10 days after testing positive (regardless of symptoms or isolation status), especially in indoor settings.
  • After you have ended isolation, if your symptoms recur or worsen, get tested again and if positive, restart isolation at Day 0.
  •  Students and employees with no symptoms and a negative COVID test who were exposed to an infected individual are cleared to be on campus. No isolation required as long as testing result is negative.



Contact the ECC COVID Testing Center at 310-660-3593 ext. 7723 or