Ready Set Apply

Ready, Set, Apply!

Looking to get started with El Camino College? Come to Ready, Set, Apply! and receive assistance with completing El Camino College's Admissions Application for the upcoming Fall semester.

Ready Set ApplyLooking to get started with El Camino College? Come to Ready, Set, Apply! All are welcome.View Flyer

Event Info

  • Date: Thursday, August 3
  • Time: 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • Location: Student Services Building - Campus Map
  • Parking: Free parking will be provided in Lot C (2nd floor and up), located on Lemoli Ave. and Manhattan Beach Blvd.
  • Accommodations: If you anticipate needing any type of accommodations or have questions about the physical access provided, please email as soon as possible, no later than seven days prior to the event.

Refreshments will be served!

Eligibility & Sign Up

Event is open to all prospective students, especially those interested in attending this Fall semester. Reserve your spot today!

Register Here

Tentative Agenda

Receive help completing the El Camino College admissions application. No matter where you are in the application process, whether you have yet to start or just have a few questions, all are welcome!

Join us on a guided group tour and explore our beautiful campus and facilities. Highlights include our Student Services Building, Library, Bookstore, and more!

Come see what El Camino has to offer! Chat with staff and faculty and learn about our many support services, tutoring services, and other resources!


We're here to help! If you have questions, please contact Outreach and School Relations.