Mini Grants

Do you have a program or initiative that needs funding, or has an item been recently eliminated from your annual budget? Foundation funds are now available for all ECC divisions and departments to apply.

The ECC Foundation Board of Directors recently approved the funding for a new Mini Grants program. The Mini Grant program offers faculty and staff at El Camino an opportunity to secure funding of up to $5,000 for innovative projects that enhance student learning. $100,000 has been earmarked for this initiative that aims to support creative ideas that can positively impact ECC's campus environment. Eligible projects could include programs and events that promote academic excellence and student success.

Mini Grants (Requests up to $5,000)

  • Complete the required Application
  • Application must be signed by the Dean and Area VP prior to submitting
  • Cannot support staffing needs; must be focused on student success
  • Requests should follow CIP goals of Student-Centered, Pathways, Community, Inclusion and Transformative
  • Foundation Fundraising Committee to serve as selection committee
  • Must produce receipts for reimbursement and accountability
  • Submit a final report to demonstrate how funds were spent and its impact on students
  • Application deadline: November 8, 2024

Major Grants (Requests over $5,000)

  • Similar requirements for Mini Grants as stated above
  • Larger request appeals must be made by presenting to the ECC Foundation Board of Directors
  • The proposal to be sent to Andrea Sala, Foundation Executive Director, at least ten days before the scheduled ECC Foundation Board of Directors meeting
  • On-going annual process

          Proposals to Include:

  • How the request aligns with the ECC Foundation Mission Statement and Core Values
  • A clearly stated implementation plan
  • Total number of students who will be impacted
  • An evaluation plan that is directly related to the funding request
  • Complete, detailed and accurate budget expenditures
