<%@ Language = VBSCRIPT%> <% ' input paramter cal_id gives the ID number of the committee on sql server ' optional parameter col is a integer that will control the number of ' columns display on the browser with the committee names. Col parameter will default ' to 1 columns %> Committee minutes <% cal_id = Request.QueryString("cal_id") col = Request.QueryString("col") if col ="" then col=1 'maximum # of cols on the display if its not passed in end if sqlselect ="select name, origin, purpose from cmte_name where id="&cal_id ' response.write sqlselect set rs=db.execute(sqlselect) cmte_name=rs("name") purpose=TRIM(rs("purpose")) origin=TRIM(rs("origin")) rs.close set rs=nothing %>

Click Here to Display Committee Members

Purpose: <%=purpose %>

<%=origin%> <% sqlselect = "select * from cmte_uploaded_files where cal_id=" & cal_id &_ " AND type='minutes' AND STATUS='active' order by event_date DESC" set rs1=db.execute(sqlselect) if rs1.EOF then %>

There are no documents available for this committee <% rs1.close db.close set rs1=nothing set db=nothing response.end else %>

Click on date below to view the document:

<% End if %> <% Do while not rs1.EOF %> <% for k=1 to col step 1 %> <%rs1.movenext if rs1.EOF then : k=col: END IF: 'end of records get out of the for/loop NEXT %> <% loop rs1.close db.close set rs1=nothing set db=nothing %>
Date Brief Description
<%yr=datepart("yyyy",rs1("event_date")) 'get the year dy=datepart("d",rs1("event_date")) 'get the day mon=Monthname(datepart("m",rs1("event_date"))) 'get the month and turn into full name %> "> <%=mon%>   <%=dy%>,   <%=yr%> <%=rs1("description") %>  