The START Program: STEM Training And Robotics Technology

START Program Logo

The START Program


Career Pathways and Robot Building Experience

The STEM Training and Robotics Technology (START) Program is a hands-on, active and rewarding project based program designed to inspire, highlight, and create awareness of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) career pathways, opportunities, and education, while developing critical, creative and innovative reasoning skills through hands-on projects. Students learn to solve problems and develop solutions used in real-world applications found in day-to-day life and the workplace.

Program topics are presented in an interactive and fun format, and engage students interested in exploring the world of technology.

Students build a VEX robot for classroom competition, participate in three electronic projects , and field trip, in addition to other activities. Program topics and projects are connected to each other, showing students the continuum of STEM in everyday life and throughout society.    

El Camino College students and high school students interested in STEM are encouraged to apply for this program.

The START Program is your start to a STEM career!



START Program Flyer 2017





2017 START Program registration



You can apply online here


Below are pictures and video from The START Program!

The Dogbot robot


The Dogbot Robot


The Test Bed Tower


The Test Bed Tower

The Electric Motor Project


  Electric Motor


The Electric Telegraph Project


Electric Telegraph






Field Trips

(click here for photographs)

  Northrop Grumman field trip - F/A-18  

Each summer we go on several fun, exciting, interesting, and informative field trips.

Our past field trips have included CSULA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA Science Center, Griffith Observatory and industry tours.

Here we are at the Northrop Grumman Corporation, in El Segundo.





(click here for videos)


Each summer we video our class activities.

We video the construction of the Electric Telegraph, the construction of the Electric Motor, the construction of the Dogbot, and our Dogbot soccer competitions.

Here is a clip from a Dogbot soccer competition.



Any questions? Email Program Coordinator Masoud Zahedi at

Thank you for visiting!